|Mimi's all around sleepover #1|

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It's now night time and everyone was in there rooms almost ready for bed. I had planned that I wanted to sleep in everyone's room for each day of the week I was here. Skipping the first day of course. I decided it'd be part of the vlog sense it'd be funny to add as a little side part for each day. I told Nai about the idea and she seemed to love it so I stuck with the plan.

"Hey guys!" I say in a whisper to the camera.
"I'm doing a side vlog called Mimi's all around sleepover and you guys are coming a long"

I start to explain what I was going to do for each night till I hear someone come out there room and I jump back.

"Oh hey Chris" I say in a normal voice.
"Why are you out here alone?" He chuckled till he saw the camera.
"SHHHH you're being loud" I whisper yelled to him.
"What is this a secret?" He says winking at the camera.
"Yes it is so don't spill the beans you can see soon enough"
"Aw man" he said pouting.

He came and rested his head in my shoulder and whispered goodnight in my ear.

"What happened to no yelling? And I'll have Nai edit no problem"
"You big weirdo." My face was turning red as he went back into his room.

"Ok back to it now the first day we're crashing at Lucas and Thomas room! Imma be so honest they both act like idiots so this is gonna be interesting..."

I walk into the room with two bunk beds and they're both on the top bunks. Hey what can I say.

"Sup Mimi what are you doing here with a camera though" I sigh turn off the camera and explain what I'm doing one last time.
"Ok and basically we play a game till it hit midnight on the dot?" Lucas asked.
"Yep you in?"
"Hell yeah this seems fun as fuck" Lucas says jumping down from the top bunk.
"And you?" I look at Thomas.
"How could I not" he jumps down too.
"Okay so for you guys I picked a hard game simply since I'm not good friends with you so you can't get details on me however I already get details on yall because Nai tells me!"
"Woah woah isn't that unfair?" Thomas asks.
"Hmmmmm a little your just gonna have to use what you see during the beach house!"

I set up the camera on a little tripod so that we can see everyone in the floor.

"Hey guys welcome back." I say in a really depressing tone.
"You sound like your best friend just died." Lucas comments.
Me and Thomas die laughing before I continue.
"Okay basically we're here withhhh" I drum roll then point to Thomas.
"Anndddddd" I point to Lucas.
"Lukie pookie! No im joking Lucas"
"Yeah im keeping that in get clocked. ANYWAYS the game im playing with these two are truth or dare!"
"Oh wait thats fun!" Lucas says. (subtle foreshadowing bro DID NOT think it was fun after)
"Oh yeah of course" I say with a smirk on my face.
"Sense it's my birthday we're gonna go oldest to youngest anyone opposed?"
"Nah, my birthday is in June"
"Mines in October" Lucas says giggling and so does Thomas.
"No way I just set myself up" I say rolling my eyes.

"Okay Mimi Truth or dare?" Thomas says smirking.
"Eh I trust yall with dare"
"Tell everyone in this house you hate them then give no explanation" Thomas thought of it super quickly.
"Done" I get up grab the camera and walk into Chris's room.
"I hate you, you, and you" I say quickly pointing at Chris, Nate, then Jack then bolt out the room before they could reply. Then I go to Nicks room and do the same thing.
"MI-" I close the door before I got a response I'm great at this I do the last two rooms then head back.

"Absolute light work zero reaction what so ever" I say walking into the room.
"So does this mean you'll be nice to us!!" Lucas says happy.
"Truth or dare Lucas" I say with a grin.
"I'm scared but I'm not a pussy so dare" he says shrugging.
"I dare you to let me and Thomas do whatever design we want on your hair"
"PSSHHH that's not bad go ahead"
"All that confidence is gonna make you regret" Thomas sparked back.

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