1. No Control

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A.N// *cuddly lucas up top! ALSO THERE IS A REALLY IMPORTANT AUTHORS NOTE AT THE END SO PLEASE READ!!* new and improved chapter 1! ready set go!
Kate's POV

It was Friday night and my best friends and I were at a party. We didn't go out all the time, but when we did, it was great.

We'd just come here to have some fun so we could forget about the troubles we'd had at school, and wherever else, in the past week.

I was stood by an island in the kitchen of the house we were in, with a red solo cup between my two hands. It was my first drink of the night, and I was trying to make it last as long as possible, by taking small sips every now and then.  I just stood there alone, staring off into space and occasionally nodding my head to the music that was being played.

All of a sudden, I felt a tug on my arm. I snapped out of my so-called trance and looked up to meet my eyes with a pair of shimmering blue ones. It was one of my best friends, Luke.

As soon as we made eye contact, he gave me a small smile and tilted his head in the direction of the dance floor. I put my cup on the counter, and he dragged me to the dance floor, where he started dancing with me.

I'd met Luke when I was six, and we'd been really close ever since then. I could tell him all of my deep, dark secrets, and he could do the same with me. No one could tear us apart, even if they tried.

Through Luke, I met Calum, Ashton, and Michael. We all became friends fairly quickly, and we were kind of nobodies, but personally, I didn't want to be popular. That seemed too stressful.

We just kind of went to class, and I made sure the boys got their work done. Then, after school we would all hang out together.

I had feelings for Luke, at one point. That was almost a year ago, and now, my feelings had faded, luckily.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a slow song started to play, and Luke pulled me closer. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck shyly, closing the gap between us.

He placed both of his hands on the small of my back, interlocking his fingers. There was practically no space in between us, so the only thing I could do was stare in his beautiful blue eyes.

He smiled at me, and I spotted a hint of nervousness in his eyes. Why would he be nervous around me? We've known each other for a solid eleven years, so it confused me. Even though I didn't like to admit it to myself, I sort of got nervous around him too.

Luke buried his face in my neck, and I could feel his nose tickle the skin there. This made me shudder. With his steady breaths blowing against my neck, it was almost like the combination of that and him being within such close proximity to me almost made me dizzy.

I tried to focus my attention on something else before I fainted, so I looked around the room. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Calum dancing with a blonde girl. I recognized her from our engineering class at school. He looked straight at me and winked.

I just rolled my eyes at him as Luke's lips had found my jaw. He left small pecks and occasionally sucked on the skin there.

With our hips still moving on the beat of the music, Luke lowered his hands until they were touching my butt. I huffed and used one of my hands to move it back to my waist.

He then removed one of his hands and put it under my chin, tilting my head upward. He stared into my eyes for the longest time that I could've sworn he was trying to get to my soul. I'm not sure at what point we both leaned in, but we were kissing.

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