51. Flashlight

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A.N// enjoy this, and READ THE END NOTE okay go!! <3
Luke's POV

Adrenaline was coursing through my body, and I couldn't breathe. Now was not the time for me to be freaking out, but I couldn't help it. I knew I'd messed up, I was fully aware, but I didn't want it to end like this.

I didn't know how Kate was feeling. She didn't tell me. I could see her shutting me out with every second that passed by. She was putting her guard up against me.

Kate was hurt, I could clearly see that, but I couldn't read her like I was once able to. She wasn't communicating with me like she once did. She didn't even say I love you back each time I said it to her before I told her story and before she left.

My heart was racing.

I knew it from the first day, and I continued to believe it was true everyday afterwards, but the deal between Kate and I was the worst thing I've ever done. Maybe if I wasn't so stupid, she could still be here with me.

I was standing at the end of my driveway taking deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I had no idea what I was going to do, but I knew I needed help.

I basically ran into my house, and my brother was still sitting on the couch. He was watching some football on television, but he immediately brought his attention to me.

"Is she okay?" he asked, concern spread throughout his facial features. I shook my head.

"I don't know," I sighed, panic starting to make its way back. I kept going with the deep breaths, breathing slowly so I could try to stay calm.

"What do you mean you don't know?" He stood up and he looked me right in the eyes.

"Jack," I began, taking another deep breath. "She's gone." My confession made his eyes go wide as he pushed passed me and walked to the other side of the room.

"What? Are you serious?" he question frantically as he was pacing in the spacious lounge room. I nodded, still not believing it myself. A deep sigh left his mouth. "Where do you think she went?"

"I don't know," I told him honestly. It was weird how calm I was being considering the circumstances. If this were to happen a few months ago, I probably would've been crying by now.

"Luke, that's not helping. You have to know something," he said, a bite in his tone. He was panicking, just like I could've been, but both of us panicking wouldn't get us anywhere.

"Jack, I just told you that I don't know where she is. Don't you think I would've gone to find her already if I did?" I raised my voice just a little. This was stressing me out too.

Kate was the only person I'd ever felt such a strong feeling for, and it would break my heart if we broke up, especially over some dumb thing that I did. I had best intentions with the worst idea. I knew this mistake would be hard to come back from, but I just hoped it wouldn't be over after this.

"I'm sorry, I know this must me hard for you, but we need to find her as soon as possible. Who knows how far she could've gotten to wherever she is now," he explained, finally starting to calm down.

"I know."

I had no leads to anywhere that she could be other than her house, but why would she walk there? I would've taken her if she wanted to be away from me, just to save her the trouble.

My mind was drawing blanks, and all of a sudden I just couldn't think about it anymore. My head started to hurt, a pound striking every time I blinked. I needed to sit down, so I did.

"Have you tried calling her?" he asked all of a sudden. He was right, and I wondered why I didn't think of that earlier. Even with my headache, I got up quickly and ran up the stairs. I pushed past my door, and the sight was tugging at my hear a little bit more.

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