14. Pizza

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A.N// i don't have anything to say aha
ohhh finals are this week o.O gonna write a bunch this weekend if I don't have any work to do

Kate's POV

I woke up the next day to my alarm. I groaned and got out of bed, making my way to the bathroom. I used the toilet, turned on the shower, brushed my teeth, and I got in when the water was hot.

I didn't wash my hair because I'd done that yesterday. I just bathed before getting out and drying off. After turning off the lights, I walked back to my bedroom to get dressed.

I decided to wear some dark blue skinny jeans and a band-tee that I stole from Luke, and I paired that with some all black converse. I then went over to my vanity and brushed out my hair.

I left my room to go downstairs for breakfast because the smell of applewood smoked bacon was filling the house, drawing me towards the kitchen. When I got down there, just as I expected, there was food being cooked.

My mom was sitting at the island, and she was doing some work on her tablet. Typical. My dad was at the stove making the bacon I'd smelled all the way from my room.

"Good morning, Dad. Good morning, Mom," I greeted as I fully entered the kitchen. My mom looked up at me and smiled. My dad used a spatula to remove the bacon from the stove, and he turned around.

"Good morning, Kate. How'd you sleep?" My dad asked.

"It was fine, just like everyday," I chuckled. He nodded and announced that I could eat because the food was ready. I walked over to the counter to retrieve myself a couple slices of bacon, and I looked in the fridge for the bagels.

Once I found them, I also took out some cream cheese, and I popped a bagel into the toaster. After it was done warming, I spread my cream cheese on it, and I took a bite. I finished my breakfast in seven minutes tops, and I went back upstairs to do my hair.

Upon arriving to my room, I plugged up my curling wand, and I made sure my hair was dry. Once it felt completely dry, I spritzed it with some heat protectant spray, and I curled a few pieces, just to make it wavy.

After I was done with that, I grabbed a small section at the front of my head and made a small ponytail right on the top. I then unplugged the iron and grabbed my bag, so I could go back downstairs and wait for Calum. I took my phone from my nightstand, and I exited my room.

Just as I got to the bottom of the staircase, my phone went off. I quickly answered when I saw Calum's name flash across the screen.


"Hey, I'm outside."

"Okay, I'm coming out now."

When I got to my front door, I told my parents goodbye, and I left to catch my ride. I approached Calum's car, and he was just staring ahead. I got in and greeted him, as usual.

"Hey, Cal."

"Hi," he replied before adding. "Ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," I said nonchalantly. He just laughed and drove off.
About ten minutes later, we arrived at school, and I got out, going into the building and heading straight for my locker. The entire ride was silent and awkward. I was so confused because it had never been like that between me and Calum before.

Luke was already at his locker when I got to mine. His face was shoved in, apparently looking for something, so he didn't noticed me right away. I decided to have a little fun.

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