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A.N// sorry this took so long :-(...
Kate's POV

I was awaken by soft taps on the window. I jolted up and looked to my side. It was Caitlyn. I unlocked her door so she could get in the car. Once she slid in the backseat, I passed her a blanket.

"Thanks," she said.

"Don't mention it," I replied. I didn't know why, but my slight hatred for her seemed to start to burn out. I didn't understand. She hadn't really done anything that benefitted me.

I turned over to tap Ashton, and he stirred a little in his sleep. I tapped him again.

"What?" he grumbled with his eyes closed.

"Caitlyn is back. We can go now," I said. He rolled over and opened up his eyes. He saw Caitlyn in the backseat, stretched across it with the blanket I gave her wrapped comfortably around her body.

"Kate, it's like four on the morning, can't we just stay here," he whined.

"If everyone is fine with it, sure. I just thought maybe you didn't want to sleep in the car," I explained.

No one answered though. Within minutes I could hear Ashton's quiet snores again, and when I turned around, Caitlyn was also asleep. I couldn't sleep though.

I unlocked my car door, and I opened it. I got out quickly. I left the door open a crack just in case it accidentally locked when I closed it. I knew Ashton would be mad if I started to tap on his window so I could get back into the car.

I walked around the car a few times to take in the fresh air, and when I was done, I walked into the hospital to find a bathroom. As soon as I stepped into the place, my thoughts immediately went to Luke. I couldn't shake them, and it was crippling me.

I was tempted to go to his room, just to check on him, but I didn't. I was at a never ending debate between my head and my heart, and I wasn't intimately sure which one was winning.

I used the bathroom, and I exited the hospital. I went back to the car, and I slipped in quietly. I pulled the blanket over my body, and I just laid there until sleep finally came upon me.
An alarm going of woke me up. I shut if off, and I made my chair rise up to a sitting position. I looked around to fine that it was light outside, and Ashton was still asleep.

I turned around to find Caitlyn already awake. She was on her phone.

"Morning," I said sleepily. "Why are you awake so early?"

"Good morning, Kate. My phone woke me up, same as you, but I got a text from Luke instead of an alarm," she responded nonchalantly.

My stomach flipped, and my cheeks started to heat up. My hatred was starting to grow back by the second, but I pushed it back as best as I could.

I wish he would've texted me, but I knew I messed up really bad. It was probably never going to be normal again, but I didn't want to dwell on it too much. It would make me go crazy.

"Oh, what did he say?"

"Nothing really. He just, uh, said that he couldn't fall asleep," she replied. My thoughts ran wild, and no matter how hard I tried to calm down, they were loose and would be tamed for a while.

I was affecting Luke's sleep because of my prior stupidity. With every second, my self hate grew times ten. I started to regret all of my life's decisions, and I started to question if any of this was even worth the trouble.

"Why not? Is something wrong?" I questioned.

"Not that I know of. He just said he was thinking about everything, you mostly." My stomach dropped. I knew I had messed up, but I didn't know it was bad enough to keep him from sleeping. My guilt levels were skyrocketing, and my lip quivered. "He wants to see you," she added.

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