24. Traffic

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A.N// happy birthday @-FiveSecondsOfShoey- !! I hope you're enjoying the story so far and I hope you've had the best day ever ily
EVERYONE ELSE: you can thank me later >:-D
I woke up on Calum's bed. We were so far apart from each other that Calum was practically hanging off the side. This was the complete opposite of how Luke and I slept.

I got up to use the bathroom and was immediately put in a not so good mood when I felt a few sharp cramps, indicating my monthly visit was near. I tried taming my hair in the mirror and I looked in Calum's cupboard for extra toothbrushes. Once I found one, I tore it out of the packaging, and I brushed my teeth quickly before exiting the bathroom.

When I came back, Calum was awake. His hair was slightly messy, but it worked for him.

"Are you ready to leave?" he asked rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, sure," I said quickly. Calum got up from his bed and went into the bathroom. He can out a few minutes later with a beanie on.

We exited his room and went towards the front of his house. Once we got there we opened the door, Calum grabbed his car keys, and we left.

When we got in the car, Calum started it, and we drove off almost immediately. It took about seven minutes to get to my house from Calum's, and when we got there, he followed me to my front door.

I unlocked it, when I walked in, I headed straight for my bedroom. I pulled out a few pairs of sweatpants and a couple of loose fitting tee-shirts. I got about a weeks worth of jeans and pretty shirts, and I also took out a few cute dresses. I grabbed about four pairs of shoes, three were converse and the other were sandals, and I placed them all neatly into the suitcase.

I left my room to get my toothbrush. I put the protector on the brush part, and I grabbed my toothpaste. I also got out some pads and tampons from under the counter because I was lucky enough to wake up with my period one the way.

I took all of my hygienic things and put those in my suitcase as well before zipping it shut and carrying it down the stairs. I left it by the door.

I went to my dad's office to print out the plane ticket, and when that was done, I was all ready to go. I walked to the family area to find Calum, but I didn't expect to see what I saw.

Calum was sat on the couch watching television, and Luke was sitting on the floor, back against the couch, on his phone. I decided to ignore Luke completely and carry on with my plans.

I always like to get to the airport at least an hour and a half before my flight was scheduled to take off. It just insured that everything would go smoothly, and if it didn't I would have a surplus of time to get things back on track again.

"Calum, I'm ready to go now," I said catching the attention of both boys.

"Okay," he said standing up. Calum and I walked out of the family area and towards the front door.

"Going where?" Luke chimed in. I turned around and faced him.

"I'm going to the airport. My flight leaves at half past twelve."


"I'm going to America to be with my dad for two weeks," I explained. His jaw dropped.

"Does this have anything to do with-"

"No, Luke. Not everything is about you. I'm going because my parents are always away, my dad in particular, and I miss them a lot. Why pass up a chance to spend some time with them for a couple weeks uninterrupted." I rushed, but I knew that was only part of the reason. I started heading for the car, but I was stopped again.

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