41. Popcorn

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A.N// my exams start on tuesday o_o i'm scared lol, but enough about me this is about you! enjoy this loads, sorry it took so long.
Luke's POV

After some pleading, I finally got Kate to agree to let me take her home after school. I had to make sure this was the most incredible night of her life if I was going to try and save our relationship.

Like I said when I first told her I loved her, I loved her so much it hurt. It actually caused me physical and emotion pain, but anything was worth it as long as I could spend all of my time with her. I didn't know what I would do if we broke up. It was still so early in the game, and it would be all my fault.

I thought the promise ring would be the glue to hold everything together for a while, but I couldn't let that alone do all the work. I had to put in some effort as well, and right now, I was letting Kate do everything, and I could tell it was starting to get to her. That's most likely the only reason she even considered ending our relationship. I was stressing her out.

As I was waiting for her to come out of the school, it gave me some time to think. I realized how irrational I'd been acting this entire time. I forgave Kate for the same thing I didn't forgive Calum for, and I was finally admitting to myself how messed up that was.

I guess I just wanted a reason to be mad at him. I was being truthful when I said I couldn't get the image of them out of my head, and it was preventing me from doing anything to get myself off. The only exception was Monday, the day after the fight, and I don't know what it was that got me in so much of a mood that I couldn't physically stop, but I wanted that again. I need it, and I craved it, but I couldn't find it.

I tried again every morning, but it didn't work. I thought it was because the weight of unforgiveness was heavy on my shoulders, and I knew the only way to get rid of it was to forgive and be forgiven. That's exactly what I had to do to start the night off right.

I hadn't been the best boyfriend, but I was truly trying my hardest to be. I was just letting myself get caught up in a moment, and it wasn't healthy. I was broken and Kate knew it. She was trying her hardest to patch up the holes until we both felt better. She was putting my happiness before her own, and I didn't want her to do that anymore. It was time to tell her everything I was feeling and not hold back for once.

I told her I loved her multiple times a day, but she deserve to know just how she made me feel. I needed to show her just how much.

A few minutes later is when the passenger door opened and Kate quietly slipped in. She didn't say anything, and she avoided all eye contact with me whatsoever.

"Hi," I said softly.

She sighed deeply before saying, "Hey." Her gazed was focused outside the window, not looking at anything in particular, just outside.

"You ready to go?" I asked. She nodded, so I started my car and peeled out of the parking lot as soon as it was warmed up.

She didn't say anything until we were about three minutes away from her house.

"Where are you taking me for the date?" she questioned, genuinely curious. There was literally no life in her voice. I sucked it all out of her.

"Uh, we're gonna go to an awesome diner first, then I'm gonna take you to get frozen yogurt. Nothing too fancy, just so there's no pressure," I explained. She nodded again, and another silence took over the car. She was resting her head against the window, and once I got to her house, she gathered her things before getting out of my car. I rolled the window down to confirm everything, just so there was no pressure. "So...is seven good?" I asked.

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