8. Cardigan

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Calum's POV

"You should just tell her," I said trying to consult one of my best friends.

"What makes you think I could just come out and say something like that?" He retaliated.

You see, I knew Luke liked Kate. Michael knew Luke liked Kate. Ashton knew Luke liked Kate. Basically, we all knew Luke liked Kate! Luke may try and come off as cool and badass, but he's totally a big softie, just like the green giant in the broccoli commercials. Ah, broccoli.

"Because...she likes you too!" I said, not really knowing whether that was still true or not. She was starting to hang out with that Thomas guy a lot more often, and it looked like her feelings for Luke were starting to fade. I really just wanted him to get out of his funk and get it off of his chest.

"That's bullshit and you know it Cal," he returned in a low growl.

"Alright! Alright!" I rose my hands in surrender. "That may or may not be true, but there's no need to turn into bridezilla on me."

When Luke was frustrated with something, he took it out on everyone in his path. That happened to be me at the moment. Even though sometimes it was quite amusing, I didn't like to see him all worked up and sad. Luke was always happy, so when the rare occasion that he was upset came, I really felt bad for him.

"I'm sorry mate. I just-I don't know what to do. I really like her Cal, but she likes someone else," He spilled. He started pacing across the room, out of frustration I assumed. Then, he sat down and put his face in his hands.

"Text her," I instructed.

"What?" He looked up at me in confusion.

"Text her and start a conversation," I repeated seriously.

"I can't. She's hanging out with Thomas," he said, putting his head back in his hands again.

"Just do it Luke. If she responds, you're more important to her than her little hang out session with whoever this Thomas kid is. If she doesn't,-she will, so text her now." I said, trying to persuade Luke as best as I could.

If Luke wanted to be, he could be really stubborn, and I hoped that his heart overpowered his brain in this situation.

"Fine," Luke responded, with a grunt. He whipped out his phone and typed a quick message to her. Then, he swiftly turned it off and held it in between his palms, hanging his head low.

A few seconds later, his phone signaled that he'd gotten a message, and his head shot up. He had wide eyes, and he honestly looked like he was about to cry. I winked at him, and he stood up and began to pace across the room.

Once he finally stopped acting like a crazy person, he sat back down and continued his conversation with Kate.
Kate's POV

I slowly opened my eyes when I felt the faint buzzing of my phone on my butt. When I finally came back to reality, I didn't recognize my surroundings, but I slowly remembered after the events of earlier that day replayed in my mind.

I quickly took out my phone to see who was trying to get into contact with me. My face instantly lit up at the sight of the name that popped into my lockscreen, confirming that I had gotten a new message.

Lukey <3
Hey Kate. Are you alright? Having fun with Thomas?

I quickly responded so he would know that I was fine.

Yup, I'm all good. What's up?

As I waited for him to text me back, I realized that Thomas wasn't anywhere around. I got up to look around for him, but I couldn't find him anywhere, and I checked all over his flat. All over.

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