The Dilemma Shared Between Two Realms

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Wiz sat in the living room in the (L/N) residence, attempting to call someone.

Wiz: Hm... Strange. First Nelliel and now Starrk... Nobody seems to be answering. Did something happen during my absence?




Ebern hit the hard road after he got kicked by Ichigo.

Ebern: Why did he kick me all of a sudden? Is he an idiot?!

In an instant Ichigo and (Y/N) appeared in front of Ebern.

Ichigo: Hey! I bet you're here because of us, right?

(Y/N): Who did you get permission from to roam The World of the Living. Was it Waleska or was it Harribel? If you came of your own volition, tell me why? I'll hear you out.

Ebern: You think I'm here because of you two? I don't care if one of you defeated Aizen or if the other is the Former King of Hueco Mundo. You're both so full of yourself... But you must be curious about who I am!

Ichigo: No.

(Y/N): Speak for yourself, I need answers. Anyway, arrancars can't just waltz into the World of the Living without permission from the ambassadors or the Queen.

Ebern: Me? An Arrancar?

Ebern immediately got off the floor and flew to meet Ichigo and (Y/N)'s gaze.

Ichigo: What's wrong?

Ebern: I'm no arrancar...

Ichigo and (Y/N) then saw Ebern flash a familiar cross attached to his wrist to the two of them. The cross then started to transform into a huge cannon.

 The cross then started to transform into a huge cannon

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Ichigo: Hey, that's a Quincy's...

(Y/N): Where did he get that? More importantly, I was under the impression that Quincies only used bows. But that's a cannon.

Ebern: What's the matter? See something familiar...

(Y/N) and Ichigo didn't respond as Ebern fired multiple energy blasts from his Spirit Weapon. Ichigo cleaved through multiple while (Y/N) absorbed any that came his way.

(Y/N): *thinking* He has a hollow mask, yet he also has a Quincy cross... What the hell is this guy's deal? Is he a hybrid? Nah, that can't be. Dad told me Ichigo's dad had to sacrifice his powers to save Ichigo's mother after getting bit by a hollow. Quincies don't seem to have a way to resist Hollowification.

(Y/N) thought the only way he would get the answers he wanted was to capture Ebern.

(Y/N) and Ichigo evaded all of Ebern's attacks with (Y/N) counter attacking with a few Kido Skills.

Ebern: What's the matter, Ichigo Kurosaki? (Y/N) (L/N)? Is dodging the best you two can do? Is that the extent of your powers?!

(Y/N) and Ichigo gave each other a stare of mutual confusion. They both know that Ebern was just taunting them.

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