Chapter 3

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Tsumugu's P.O.V)

I woke up, only to see Chisaki staring at me with her big, blue eyes.
I froze, realising i'm holding her like a weird pervert.

"I-i'm sorry, Chisaki" i say, letting go of her.

"Tsumugu," she said looking down.

"I-i need to go to wo-" i stopped her by taking her in for a hug.

She gasped and shook her head, i could hear her holding her breath..

"I need t-to go to work Tsumugu..." she whispered.

"No, you don't." I said, squeezing her body against mine.

"Stop..." she commanded quietly.

"No." I said as i rested my head on her shoulder.

"STOP IT TSUMUGU!" she squeaked as she pushed me of her.

I looked at her with the same look i always give her.

I stood up and looked down at the ground, "Sorry, i got caught up in the moment."

Chisaki stood up too, grabbed her clothes and ran out of her room.

I let out a sigh and placed my hand on the back of my head, as i stood there.

Miuna's P.O.V)

A gleam of sunlight woke me up. My eyes itched a little from yesterday's crying.

Then i remembered the baby.

I just left it alone with Uroko-sama. Baka! I left that baby alone with that pervert!

My face got all red as i sprung out of bed, almost tripping over my uniform.

I ran over to my closet, grabbed my favorite light blue sweatshirt and some light gray shorts.

I rushed the bathroomdoor open, took a quick shower and brushed my hair.
I didn't bother putting it up, it was too time consuming.

"Okasan! I'm heading out!" I yelled towards my parent's room.

"Mate, Miuna..." she said in a sleepy tone when she saw me pulling the front door open.

"What's with you today? You never wake up this early, it's 7:00 am..." Akari said, giving me a small smile.

I turned around.

"J-just going for a morning walk, that's all" I softly smiled.

She lifted one eyebrow, and walked up to me.

"Well, have fun!" she winked.

I nodded and ran out of the house, towards the unfinished pier with the big cranes and boats.

I couldn't probably tell Okasan i found a baby in the middle of the sea, that turned out to be another sea scale!

I walked towards the edge of the stone path and sat on it. I always came here to think. So much memories were piled up here.

I stared at the calm water and let my thoughts drift me away.

"I love Manaka..." i could still hear Hikari say.

"Say it more"

"I love Manaka, I love Manaka!"

"M-more Hikari..."

A knot began to form in my stomach.

I tumbled forward and fell into the calm, blue ocean.

This is where Hikari saved me that time, 5 and a half years ago...

The sea's will - Nagi no AsukaraWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu