Chapter 4

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Miuna's P.O.V)

I stopped swimming as we almost reached the surface.

"Hikari..." i said, trying to get his attention. He ignored me, kept swimming.

"Hikari, stop. I-I need to..."

How am i ever going to say this?

My throat began feeling dry and my eyes became waterwalls. I tried wiping them away, but Hikari stopped swimming and grabbed my wrist.

"You must know I'm there for you. No matter how damn stubborn i sometimes act, i'll always be there for you." he whispered in my ear and pulled me into a tight hug. The little girl was inbetween our bodies and she giggled a little.

He let go of me and i stared at him like a complete idiot.

His face became a tomato and he turned around.

" Gomen... Miuna" he said embarrassed. (Means sorry in Japanese)

"Follow me" i commanded and swam towards my thinking-pier.

He had a lot of trouble with keeping up, but he made it almost at the same time as me.

I sat on the edge and put the little girl on my lap. He sat next to me.

"You know," i cleared my throat softly and began getting shy. Where is courage when you need it?, "Uroko-sama... I-i jumped into the sea yesterday. I heard the crackling sound again and i-"

"The sound from when Manaka..." he interrupted me and had difficulty with finishing his sentence.

"Hai..." i said, slightly blushing. I began petting the little girl's hair.

"Ena was everywhere, and then i saw.. M-manaka-san, but... I-i just f-followed her and then she disappeared a-and..." i pauzed for a second, calming myself down.

Hikari looked at me with a slight glaze over his eyes.

"I found this baby, and a voice said i had to bring her to the sea scale." i looked over at Hikari who flowed his hand through his soft brown hair. I looked down, to avoid getting caught staring.


Hikari had been silent all the way through out my story

I wasn't ready for telling him the next part.

I'm not ready...

He isn't either.

"Hikari?" my hands were shaking

"Hmm?" he turned his head back at me and smiled.

I don't want to take his smile away from him...

"Baka!" i punched him on his arm as i squeezed my eyes shut to hide the truth.

"Miuna" Hikari grabbed my face in his hands and looked directly into my watery eyes.

I don't want this.

I don't want one sided love like this.

"I don't want you to think that it's hopeless or useless to love someone, Miuna" i relaxed. He would always do this, just say a simple sentence to turn my whole world around.

" Whatever is bothering you, it got you really bad, huh?" he said, all i could do was nod.

He picked the sleeping little girl off my lap, took off his sweater and wrapped her in it. After that he placed her softly next to a large stone.

"Wh-hat are you doing?"my cheeks felt as hot as peppers.

"I honestly don't know." he said, standing up and pulling me up too.

The sea's will - Nagi no AsukaraWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu