Chapter 6

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Miuna's P.O.V)

"Lay still Miuna!" a familiar voice demanded shyly.

I felt the warmth of a blanket embrace me and a pair of arms were wrapped around my body.

"Come on!" he whined.

I groaned in reluctance and tried turning to the other side.

Then my head realised there was a boy cuddling with me in bed. My face started heating up and i spurred open my eyes to look at the cuddly bastard.

It was Atsushi Minegishi who stared at me, shock filled his eyes.

"M-minegishi-kun..." i started trembling.

"Eh-" it seemed like he wasn't expecting me to wake up this soon.

"Miuna, this is not what it looks like!" he exclaimed pretty loud.

My pupils shot towards the corners of my eyes and i spotted some recognisable things my room has. Minegishi's grip loosened and he shot up, quickly landing on the floor.

His eyes swifted to every direction and his body language radiated embarrasment.

I sat up and tried imagining what happend.

Nothing came up my mind.

"Erm, Minegishi? How did i get here?" i asked, waiting for him to response.

"I-i, I honestly don't know. Eh, you weren't at school for the past f-few days, so i-i decided to check on you-" he explained while blushing, it made me happy that someone cared about me.

"But nobody was home, so i kind of went searching for you in your house... And you were here in your room."

A sigh left my mouth.

I looked up at him and put all of my courage in prepairing a question.

I softly cleared my throat.

"W-why were you in, like..."
My face was red and my mouth dry.

His face looked like he was hoping me not to ask that, and he started waving his hands rapidly in my direction.

"I-i, it's like, you, ehm, I still love you!" he shouted.

My hand moved towards my hair and i gave it a shy stroke. Minegishi blushed even more.

"Oh," i said while my body felt like as light as a feather.

Minegishi was cute in appearance and in personality. He was shy, just like me. And i would get a lot of comments about that we'd look cute together. There was nothing wrong with him or something, but it felt like i was already in love with somebody.

I just couldn't remember who.

"A-and?" Minegishi stuttered. He was waiting for my answer to his second confession.

"Oh, well... i-i'm flattered! But it's just, it feels like i'm already in love with someone. But the problem i that i don't kno-"

"Hikari" he said a little disappointed.

A little butterfly fluttered in my belly, but disappeared right after.

"Who's Hikari?" confusion floaded through my mind as Minegishi just blankly stared at me.

"That's the one you said you loved..." he said while his voice cracked.

"Where did you get that from? I don't know anybody named Hikari!" i yelled.

I got angry, and i didn't know why. Everytime i heard that name, i just became sad, angry, happy and confused all at once.

Minegishi stood there, nailed in place.

Why was he so upset about that Hikari?!

I dazzled off into my thoughts until i saw a desperate look shine on his face.

"You, just wait! I'll make you fall in love with me!", his voice was full of courage and he sprinted out of my house.

A smile fell over my mouth as i stood up.

I picked my phone off my nightstand and checked what day it was.
Sunday, 11:48 AM.

I felt a yawn coming up and i stretched my muscles while walking towards my parents' room. I knocked on the slide door, but i didn't got a response. I quietly slided it open, but nobody was there. The window was open and a slight winter breeze filled the room.

I decided to go and check the kitchen.

I walked through the hall, into the kitchen and spotted a note on the counter.

Were off doing something important. Akira is with us and there's food for you on the table.
Xxx Okasan, Otosan and Akira

I smiled, knowing they thought of letting a note behind for me and i looked at the food on the table. It was a stew with chicken and noodles, delishious!

I placed myself on a chair and ate my food.
I saw it getting 12:30 PM and decided i'd call Sayu to go shopping in the city.

I stood up from the creaky chair and dailed her number while putting on my clothes.

"Yes?" Sayu said, her voice sounded like she'd been crying a lot.
"It's Miuna, what's wrong?" I asked concerned.
"MIUNA!" she yelled, it felt like my eardrum was destroyed and gave a little jump.
"I'm so happy to hear your voice! When did you wake up, i'm coming! Be there in 10 minutes!" she yelled and broke the connection.

Adrenalin and happyness filled my body and i couldn't help but smile. But it faded away when i thought about how long i had probably been out. And how did i faint in the first place?
At Sayu's reaction it must've been pretty long and i got stressed about how i didn't remember anything.

A few minutes of overthinking passed and i was scrolling through my contacts.
Grandpa ?
Hikari ?

Grandpa? Hikari? I don't remember having those contacts before.

A annoying wave of sadness flowed over me and i heared somebody knock the door.

"MIUNA!" Sayu yelled from outside.

I stood up, opened the door and hugged my best friend tightly.

Tears were streaming down her face.

"They're gone!" she cried.

"Gone?" i gasped.

"Kaname, Hikari, Chisaki! Hi-hibernation, Ofunehiki!" she shouted with little sobs inbetween.

Silence parted us and slight memories began to form.

The sea flowed in my eyesight, and a good looking boy with brown hair and blue eyes wearing a short white suit with a blue fabric belt cried while trying to get me out of a hand statue.
I heard soft crackling and i gave the situation a sweet smile.

He forced himself with all his might onto the seal that kept me out of his reach.
I knew this was fate.

"Miuna?" Sayu whispered.

They're gone...

Author's note:

So, i'm sorry for the slow update. I write best at night (around 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM) and sometimes i fall asleep with tons of idea's in my head. And when i wake up, they'd be all gone :(
So, i'm so sorry!
And, who do you ship best?
Xxx me ^×^

(Btw, this was not spell checked :3)

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