Chapter 8

132 6 4

Miuna's P.O.V)

Sayu ran as fast as she could. I placed my hands on the terribly cold rail and leaned forward to see what was happening.

"KANAME!" She screamed again.

I was nailed in place and looked down at my hands. Questions piled up in my head, but...
I got a quick glance of the boy again.

Sayu's screaming became cloudy and i tried forcing the image to come back.


My ears caught a loud bump on the ice and Sayu screamed.

I quickly lifted my head up again, and was presented with Sayu; who dropped through the ice. This scared feeling waved over me and i started running towards her.

"SAYU!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

The figure laying on the ice shot up and looked around.
Indeed Kaname's eyes spotted me; i pointed at the ice hole Sayu made and froze. He bravely nodded and jumped after her.

Oh my god,
He was naked.

My arm swung back and i couldn't stop blinking.

"E-e-e-EHH?" I stuttered.

*gets distracted by caramel in real*

Concern sank into my skin, should i go after them?

I clenched my fists and started to run towards the ice hole, but slipped.
My head landed on the hard ice and i couldn't move my body.
Slowly, sea salt snow fell on my back and i couldn't do anything else than look around and panic.

Sayu's P.O.V)

The water was too cold to move in.
I tried swimming like we learnt in the school pool, but it was no help.
The cold waves froze my movements and my belly got sucked in, causing me to release all of my captured breath.

Help me!

I sank down and everything became dark.

My body inhaled as a reflex, but instead of air my lungs got filled with water.

I panicked, all of the dark gloomy water closed me in and i gave up.

But, somebody grabbed my wrist and pulled me close.

I opened my eyes to see Kaname frowning.

My inside got filled with joy but i couldn't hold it anymore and my lungs closed up, causing me to twitch and curl.

"Sayu!" he said anxious.

I closed my eyes and felt my consious drifting away.
Soft hands pulled me very close, and i felt warm lips lock in with mine.

The person shared it's breath with me and pulled me back up the surface.

"Hold on! Hold on!" Kaname whispered.

I just held on with the strength i had left and hoped for an end.


"Kaname! Give her mouth to mouth resuscitation or something! Help me!" Miuna cried while pressing on my chest.

"Y-you do it!" Kaname yelled.

"No!" she yelled back.

I wanted to say i was awake and okay, but my body refused all of my commands.

The cold ice shook a bit when i felt Kaname come closer. It stopped and a hot breath landed on my face.

I opened my eyes and saw Kaname coming close, with his eyes closed.

"Wait, what are y-", my mouth got closed by his and i pushed him off me.

His eyes grew big; i gasped.

"Sa-s-sa-sa-" he stuttered.
I tilted my head a bit towards Miuna and she held her hand over her mouth.

"Sayu! Baka! BAKABAKABAKA!" she shouted and hugged me.

I coughed and she backed off.

I looked at Kaname again, who blushed 50 shades of red. I frowned and felt my cheeks heat up too.

Miuna pulled me into sitting and made me answer questions like: "What happened?" and "Are you okay?!"

I only lifted my shoulders and nodded.

"Kaname, how did you wake up?" she curiously asked.

He rubbed his neck and lifted his shoulders.

Miuna put on a annoyed face, but then hugged me again.

The moment i had always dreamed of, happend 2 times in a row. Kaname, kissed me?!

I shook and laid my head in my hands.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" i mocked.


He looked away and blushed even more.

"Kiss?" Miuna stammered.

Kaname and i shared eyecontact for a second and both laughed.

"You know that was just to save you, right? I, erm, you know like, hehe..." he stated, sadisticly laughing.

My heart broke a bit, but i shook it off. "Yeah, yeah! I was just, eh, joking around and stuff! I knew tha-"

"You two are acting stupid! Date already!" Miuna muttered while poking Kaname's arm.

"Eh?" He murmured.

I blush and turn my back to them. To my suprise i see Miuna's parents talking to Tsumugu in the far distance.

Kaname should've seen it too, because he rapidly started saying that she should 'look over there!'.

"OKASAN! OTOSAN!" she called out while running over the slippery ice.
Only Akira noticed and started yanking at Itaru's jacket.
He cocked his head to the side and his eyes started sparkling when he saw Miuna running towards them.

"A family reunited, isn't that-"

"Sayu?", Kaname said, and his voice echooed through my head.

"H-hai?" I replied.

My heart jumped when he grabbed my chin with his indexfinger and thumb.

"Would you, eh, please date me?!" He bravely asked with his eyes squeezed shut.

"I don't think i'm ready fo-" i brought out, but Kaname shook his head.

"Watch me.", and he hovered over me, laying me on the cold ice. The skin of my neck touched it and i shivered. He shyly smiled and intertwined my fingers with his, putting them against the ice too.

"So-rry..." he whispered, and locked our lips for the third time this evening.

I enjoyed it for a second, but then remembered i wanted to be a strong, independant woman.

"ĪEEE!" i screamed, pushed him off me and backed off.

His eyes turned sad and he partes his lips to say something.

"I guess no one was waiting for me after all."

* * * * * *
Author's note:

I promised to update around midnight, but i fell asleep and wattpad didn't save my chapter when my phone died. So... i had to write it all over again.
And i was a pain in the ass.

Please, please, pleeease pm me with idea's. I'd love to know what you'd want to happen :)
K, bye!

The sea's will - Nagi no AsukaraWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu