Chapter Sixteen

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- Nicki's POV -

It's only 10pm now. That's it. Two more long, stressful hours until I see him.

How do I know that they haven't already hurt him? What are they doing to him right now?

My heart aches, not knowing how he is. Why are they doing this???

* * *

Is it bad that I've been sitting on my couch for hours, still just in my towel, crying? Sophie has tried multiple times to make me get dressed and tried cheering me up but gave up when she realized it was hopeless.

However, when I see that it's almost 11:30, I decide I should start getting ready. I go upstairs and put on my favorite lace bra and underwear, both black. I don't know what to wear, but I eventually decide on black leggings with an oversized white shirt. My hair's a mess and I don't bother putting any makeup on. I grab an over-the-shoulder black bag with me and fill it with a water bottle, pain killers, and a knife.

Sophie is standing by the door, ready to go. We both go into the car.

"Did Dan's parents call the police?" I ask.

"Yeah, they filed a report before they called me. Our parents are suspects, you know," she says.

"Obviously they would be. They've been looking for them since the last time... you know, what they did to Dan and his parents."

Sophie sighs. "I can't believe they didn't find them."

When we arrive at the park, I start shaking. It's 11:58pm.

"Sophie, forgive me for whatever I do to your parents," I say.

"Do whatever you have to do," she tells me. "They're yours, too, by the way. I know you don't like to consider them your parents, but still."

We get out of the car and slowly walk into the park. It's empty and quiet and dark. The fact that they could pop out at any moment keeps me alert.

Sophie and I stay close to each other, both frightened. And, all of a sudden, hands grab us from behind. We begin to let out screams but our mouths are covered. We're brought to an area that feels like we're in the middle of no where, surrounded by trees and bushes.

The faces of the people I once thought cared about me appear.

"Long time no see, huh?" Dad laughs.

"Where's Danny?" I ask, my voice making it clear that I'm not playing games.

Mom drags him out from behind a bush, he's all tied up but looks unharmed. Thank God.

Instantly, I rush to his side and throw my arms around him, and whisper, "I am so so so sorry Danny, for all I've put you through, I don't deserve a friend like you, you're amazing, I--"

"Shhh. Nicki, it's okay. It's not your fault. You're-- I lov--" he stops. "You're amazing, having to deal with these people."

I turn and look at my... parents. I hate them sososo much.

"What the hell do you want?" I say.

"We want you to pay," my mother tells me. "You made our family unperfect, when all we did was help you and take you away from your druggy, insane parents!"

"I'm sorry I'm not perfect like Sophie, I did everything I could to be perfect for you. I know I'm a failure." I sigh. "Isn't that enough? I hate myself, okay, isn't that enough?!"

It's like, for a second, I forgot Danny was there. Him and Christian have been suspicious of how I've been acting lately and basically I just confirmed it.

I look at him and he looks so upset.

"I'm glad you're aware of the fact that you're useless," my dad laughs.

"Stop saying that!" Sophie adds in. "Nicki is a great person and you guys suck, you really do."

"I guess you're not so perfect either." Our mom is shocked. "I thought you loved us, Sophie."

"You thought wrong," she hisses.

"Just let Danny go," I demand. I put my arm around him.

"If you want him to live, you have to wreck your life for us."

"...What?" Isn't my life already wrecked?

"In wreck, we mean... end." My dad clarifies.

"So, you want me to kill myself." I gulp. "Let Danny go and I'll do it, okay?" I squeeze him.

"No!" Danny cries, resting his head against mine. "Don't you dare! Don't make her do it!"

Sophie's parents laugh. Sophie, who's standing behind them, jump on top of them and brings her mom to the ground. Her dad gets up and wraps his hand around her neck. "Get off of me!" She squeals. I get up and try getting him off her. Basically, I'm on top of her dad who's on top of her and she's on top of her mom.

He's not letting go. I can see her begin to lose consciousness, and her mom gains strength. I somehow manage to get her dad off her and push him to the ground. I take the knife and cut through the rope, freeing Danny's hands. I give him my phone and instructions. "I've been recording this whole thing... call the police, okay?" He nods.

Her dad swings at me, hitting my nose hard, which starts to pour blood. I don't let it stop me. He continuously tries to hurt me, punching me left and right, while Sophie fights her mom and Dan talks to the police.

Brutal minutes pass by, Sophie and I against her parents. They know Danny called the police, they heard it. They know they're gonna get caught. But they want us dead.

Her mom pushes Sophie off her and I watch her go to Danny, who's feet are still tied up. She tries strangling him and I scream, immediately going over to her. She won't let go, and now the dad is coming over and I'm shaking because what if they kill him? and I'm trying so hard to stop her but now the
dad is trying to stop me but Sophie comes and tries helping but I let go because nothing's working and the police still aren't here and I take out my knife and look at it and I don't want to do it I really don't like no but I don't know what else to do and Danny's going to die soon and I'm seriously panicking and Danny's blue eyes look into mine and Sophie's mom's fingers are curled around his neck so tightly that he can't breathe and I'm losing my mind I'm going insane her dad has a hand around my neck and the mom laughs and the next thing I know is that my knife is in her shoulder.

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