Chapter Eighteen

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- Sophie's POV -

I lay on the couch, stressed out from everything. I get a call from who other than Jacob. I answer it, wanting to hear his voice. I'll admit it, I still like him.

"Soph?" He says.

"Yeah?" I answer.

He sighs. "How are you? I heard something happened."

"I'm fine, my mom isn't. But it's okay, she deserved it." I think of how terrible of a mother she has been for years.

"What happened?"

"Long story. But she was injured and loss a lot of blood." I don't want to talk about my mother anymore. I want to talk to him about us.

"Oh I'm sorry..."

"Why'd you call me, Jacob?" I question him. I know it's not because of hearing what happened. He would've called sooner. He's using it as an excuse to talk to me. I know him too well.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay," he fibs.

"Don't lie to me Jacob," I say. "You wanna tell me what you're doing?"

"Okay, yeah," he admits. "That girl you saw me with..."

"Yeah, you were with that Debby bitch again. You pulled the same shit you did to my sister. You don't care about either or us! When you apologized to her, you didn't even care!"

I made sure that when I told Nicki, I didn't mention Debby.

"Sophie... I do care about Nicki..."

"Liar," I hiss.

"No. Seriously. That's why I..." he stops.

"You what?!" I demand.

"I want Nicki back, Sophie," it almost sounds like he's about to start crying. "I thought maybe if I apologized to her
and made her jealous with you... she'd want me back."

I'm about to cry. He used me!? For my sister? Is this boy serious?

"You're disgusting," I tell him, and then hang up.

I hate boys! They make me feel all these things and get me so happy and excited but then they turn out to be such jerks!

I go upstairs and fix my makeup and wear something... nice. I knock on Nicki's door and yell "I'm going out!" and then go outside to my car. I drive to the bar, desperately wanting to clear my mind.

I go in, and as I'm getting piss drunk, I bump into someone as I'm trying to find a bathroom. "S-sorry--" I look up and almost die when I see who it is.

"No, don't worry about it," he tells me with a smirk. He gently tucks some of my hair behind my ear. I smile.

"You sure, Justin?" I ask.

"Oh, you know who I am?" He laughs.

"I think the real question is, who doesn't?" I laugh, too. "You don't just see Justin Bieber everyday."

He laughs again. "You don't just see an extremely beautiful girl everyday, either."

I smile, sipping more of my drink. I start to wonder if he's just saying these things because he's drunk.

Someone comes over and takes pictures of us. It's one of his friends. I don't see it as a big deal.

We talk for a while and eventually he asks for my number. I happily give it to him and he promises to call me.

Before he leaves, he kisses my cheek. "I'll call you tomorrow," he whispers.

I smirk and watch him leave.

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