Chapter Eleven

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- Danny's POV -

So far, all day, my parents have been yelling at me, not believing me.

"Mom, we didn't do anything," I keep saying. They say I'm lying.

Nicki wouldn't want to do anything with me, anyways, because I know I'm not good enough for her.

I've been in my room sleeping, not wanting to do anything. I decide to call her.


"Hey Danny."

I smile. "Are you okay?"


"My parents said if they catch us together it won't end good..."

"I'm sorry," she says.

"For what?"

"I... about everything."

"No, Nicki, don't be. It's not your fault." I hate it when she blames herself.

"I can't help it," she says.

"Maybe later I'll sneak over to your house."

"Okayyy," she replies with a laugh.

- Nicki's POV -

It's been two weeks. It's October 18.

Danny is still not allowed to be with me according to his parents, so we can only talk at school and if he sneaks out of his house. They even check the phone bill to make sure he's not texting or calling me anymore.

Still, no one knows where my parents are or anything. Which scares me to death.

I haven't eaten anything the past three days, by the way. I know, it's been like two weeks since I started, so it should have been more than fourteen days straight, but I'm weak and stupid and a failure so I caved in and ate something a few times. However, I guess I should eat a little something, so I have some energy to exercise and so I don't pass out or something. If something like that happened, Sophie or someone would find out I haven't been eating. I'm going to look for some healthy smoothie recipe thing to make and that'll be all I eat. So far I've just been water fasting and exercising, though it's hard because I'm always so tired. I've heard about people making smoothies so that should help. It's so hard for me to not eat, because I have to figure out some excuse. So I'll bring a smoothie for lunch to shut everyone up. The GOOD news is that I'm down to 125lbs!! That made me so happy. I wish I lost a little more by now, but a few pounds is better than nothing I guess, and I think I'll lose faster when I do the smoothies because I believe it's supposed to help make my metabolism burn faster.

Also, Christian and I have been like officially 'talking' for the past week. He said he'd tell Danny soon.

* * *

I get out of bed after just laying there for a while.

I go online and print out a list of five different smoothie recipes, I can make one for each weekday. I'll have to find two more for weekends.

I can't believe my birthday is in less than a week, I'm going to be sixteen... that's crazyyy. I hope that I can lose at least another pound or two before it.

I find two more and pick one to make today. I realize we don't have all the things I need to make them, so I get dressed and tell Sophie I'm going to the grocery store to get some food.

"Want me to drive you there?" She asks.

"No, I'll just walk." It's exercise.

"But it'll take almost half an hour to walk there... let me drive you," she says.

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