Chapter Twelve

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- Nicki's POV -

The alarm wakes me up, and I smile. It's my birthday. October 23.

I'm sixteen.

I weigh myself-- 124lbs! I've lost more.

I get dressed-- jeans, white tank top with a red flannel, and timberlands. I get everything else ready, make a smoothie, and walk to the bus with Sophie.

If you were wondering, we take the bus because she doesn't want to leave the car in our school parking lot.

I sit next to Christian as usual. He wishes me a happy birthday and hugs me.

When I'm at my locker, some people come and surprise me and nearly give me a heart attack-- Danny, Jacob, Stella, Christian, and... Maddie.

"Nicolette, you know we can't stay mad at each other forever," she says, offering me a hug.

I accept it. "I know."

Let's be real here, Maddie isn't exactly the brightest. You can't really be mad at her because she never really means to hurt you.

"Debby's so annoying," she tells me. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I smile.

"Heyy you're friends again!" Danny cheers.

I laugh. "Yeah, yeah." I'm glad to have Maddie back by my side. I introduce her to Stella.

Danny hugs me too. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you," I reply.

* * *

In first period, some people start wishing me a happy birthday.

"Happy birthday Alex!" Some girl-- I think her name is Laura-- squeals.

I turn around, watching the girl hug the boy that sits behind me. He looks at me and smiles.

"Is today your birthday too?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says quietly.

"Your name's Alex?"

"Yeah, Alex Carcillo."

"Oh, hey. I'm Nicki Sobrino. Sorry, I never really talked to you."

"I know, no one notices me. It's okay."

My heart breaks a little when he says that. Because that's how I feel, and it sucks.

"What lunch do you have?" I ask.

"B lunch. Why?"

"We should hang out sometime. I have B too."

He smiles. He has a cute smile. "Really?"

I nod. "Give me your number! I'll text you and we can meet up or something."

He puts his contact in my phone with a grin, then gives it back.

* * *

I also have two other classes with Alex, and I talk to him a little.

Then, at lunch, I make sure I text and find him, then invite him to sit with me. I find an empty table and we sit together. Of course, Debby wants to make a big deal and tries to say I'm cheating on Christian. I ignore it. Jacob and Stella see me and sit down. Danny and Christian find us too. Christian sits next to me and Danny glares at us a lot. "Okay, guys, this is Alex."

Everyone says hi and starts a conversation with him, and I can tell he's happy.

"Oh, by the way, it's also his birthday."

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