Part 2 - Your Fired

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I turn myself around and start to run away from Matt, and he starts chasing me too. I make my way to the staff room and firmly shut the door, leaning against it. I was finally free.

That was, until my boss walked in.

"What are you doing in here!!?" His voice booms at me. His deep green eyes penetrating me and the small, blonde curly hair on his head trying to stay in place as he shook angrily.

I didn't reply to his remark. I slowly slid down the door and crawled into a small ball on to the ground, without a sound. A tear falling down my cheek.

"Do you want me to Fire you? Because lately you have been slacking off and I can't risk losing more money!"

"N-n-n-no S-sir..." I reply with.

"Don't you lie to me! This was your last chance and you blew it! YOUR FIRED!"

I look up at him, both upset that I lost my income and grateful that I can finally leave this place. Simply, I reply with nothing and leave the premises and make my way onto the streets.

I walk for some time until I find myself collapsed onto a grassy patch behind a convenient store. The cold air, once again starts attacking me, making me shiver like a chihuahua.
I turn around and see a white, rickety fence bordering the shop. I crawl my way over there and lean up against it. Trying to process how pathetic my life and existence was. Which I could not handle at the time, so I pushed those thoughts away and try to focus on something less depressing.

Hello peeps!
I missed ya'll so far decided to update early.
Just saying - Sorry for such a small, crappy chapter. I was a lot longer but I decided to change it for the good of the audience, this also means I will be changing the other chapters a small bit too.
Currently listening to: I'm on vacation

QUESTION: What is your favourite RandL song?
Mine is 'My OCD' orrrr, '2 Guys, 600 pillows'


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