Part 14 - Class with Mr. Welsh

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Jennifer's Point of View

"Please remember that the assignment draft is due next week, I don't want to see any of my students fail again!" Mr Welsh called out across the classroom.

All of the university students groaned, it was assessment time. Which meant that our weeks will be filled with stress and anxiety, like how mine usually are.
I'm currently studying my Bachelor of Film full time so that means I'm doing 4 units, each unit offering their own assessment.
I'm doing alright at school, except for Mr Welsh's class. I hate myself everyday for choosing Creative Online Media, I'm not creative or that techy so it means I am now failing.


Students shuffle out of their seats along with their belongings and leave. All while I get up and go to the teacher. He's sitting at his table, marking off some paperwork.

"Uhh, Mr Welsh?" I ask very softly.

"Yes Jennifer, what seems to be the worry?" He says in a deep voice.

"I uhh, you know how I umm, failed, last time?"

"Yeeees?" The teacher replies, looking up at me.

"Well I don't understand this assessment too much and I was hoping you could explain what it is your asking?"

"So all you have to do is write a 1500 formative essay on the conflict between online videos verses film companies and give two examples of popular online film creators, which includes 3 paragraphs of research each. All of which is presented to the class on a power point in two weeks time..." He says lightly, almost as a joke.

"Oh, Um, okay. But what if you don't know any popular online film creators?" I ask, because I truly didn't know any.

"My gosh girl! You really don't know much, do you?"

"Yeah..." I say slightly offended.

"Well i'll email you some tonight and see if that helps you"

"okay, thanks"

"Alright, you should be on your way now"

"Oh, um, yeah... Bye!" I reply with before running out into the hallway.

Hello Lovelies!
I understand that I haven't uploaded in a while, but I still love you all,

Forgive me...

So I'm a small bit disturbed because more and more of my close friends are reading my book and I'm a little bit scared to be honest, also yesterday I attended the 'Write A Book In A Day' event which consisted of me being at school for 13 hours and writing/illustrating/publishing a completely random book in teams of 5. If you want more information on it then comment but I had a ton of fun!

Question: Have you seen all the new Gifs for GMM Season 8?
I love seeing them, I go onto Tumblr at 8pm (times ones for you, I'm in Australia) and I see at least 10 new Gifs for the new episode, I absolutely love it!


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