Part 29 - No More Games

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Not that much later, Rhett came back home with the maple syrup and some extra eggs. I could hear them talking from my bedroom and they were definitely chatting about me.

"Where's Jennifer" Rhett asks, placing the plastic bag onto the bench.

"In her room"


"She came out before and we talked before she went back into her room"

It was like they we're talking about me as if I wasn't there! Well, technically I wasn't, but I could still hear them from across the tiny house. I got up and pressed my ear against the door to help me hear it better.

"So, what did you talk about?" The taller one said awkwardly.

It became deadly silent; the only sound echoing through the house was the sizzle of a fresh batch of bacon and eggs.

"We, uh," Link sighed, "She says that she loves us both and she can't decide"

But I Already Have...


"I don't know if she would want me to tell you this but when you were getting changed last night, we kissed, like, multiple times"


"Uh - umm" Rhett stuttered.

"And I'm sorry I did that behind your back"

"Well, I should be sorry too since we did the same thing when you left"

"Wow, this is getting so confusing..."


At that moment I was trembling with fear - or anger, I wasn't sure. I burst through my door and stomp my way down the hallway to come across a scene of Rhett and Link both casually eating their breakfast. I walk up to the dark haired man and pushed my index finger into his chest.

"Who gives you permission to talk about me behind my back?!" I snap as I lean down over the table and stare at him with flaming eyes.

"Y-you heard u-us?" His voice cracks throughout the sentence.

"Yeah, I obviously did! How dare you?!"

"Jenny, none of it was mea-"

"I'm sooo sorry that for over a decade of my life I've had a simple life and one day you two step into my house again and expect everything to be alright! Just, think before you speak..." I chew on the inside of my cheek to try to make myself to shut up. My index finger pointing into his right breast, I could feel his heart beat racing under my presence.

He carefully pushes out his chair, the legs scraping onto the tiles making a screeching noise echo through the house as he gets up. He takes my wrist and lifts my hand down from its place; he looks at me then to my hand again.

"I- uh- I'm sorry, okay. None of it was meant to be negative, I was just filling in information for Rhett" He shrugs toward his friend, who was trying to ignore the situation as he hovered over me.

I sighed. Why do I have to be so messed up? It seems like everything is such a big deal now, its not even that bad. I gaze up at the tall figure then back down to our joined hands.

"I'm sorry..."

"You don't have to be Jenny, you weren't the one who opened their big mouth" Link raised his free hand up to my check and gently caressed it with his thumb. I raise my head and stare into his bright blue eyes before speaking again.

"No, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do"

"What are y-" He began before I cut off the rest of the sentence.

I pushed myself into him and gave him such a forceful kiss that it shoved him into the couch. Link stumbled as I pulled myself closer to him, gripping his shirt and pulling it toward me. He falls over the cushions and I hear Rhett gasp from behind me, but I didn't care. I was so sick and tired of these stupid games; I just was to get on with life. As Link fell over onto the lounge, I quickly leaped onto him again and aggressively claimed him as mine, my tongue lightly tracing across his bottom lip.


"Just shut up," I said before we locked lips again.

I heard Rhett awkwardly get up and leave the room, which let me finally let me breath again. Link also realized this and tried to peel me away from his chest, which failed.

"Jenny, stop this, this isn't you," He muttered between kisses.

"You haven't known me long enough to actually realize who I am"

"Just, don't do this to me again..."

"I will, I'll do this to you again... and again... and again" I said in an animalistic tone


"Please let me re-live our should-of-been-life from 16 years ago for a moment, please?"

"Okay..." Link replied with a goofy grin.


Hello Lovelies! I'm in a writing mood, Hell Yeah! Its been almost a month since I've written anything without cringing at the trashy content I produce. The only problem is:

Its past my bed time

Oh well, guess i'll have to be quiet ;)

Question: Introvert or Extrovert?

Both, I'm a wierdo and crazy person around my friends but when I meet someone new, i'm more quieter than a book. I haven't socialised all school holidays, I've been stuck at home and my mum is getting worried. She told me its 'Unhealthy', to which I replied with 'I've nearly finished Mythical-Rhink's entire Rhink Smut collection, i'll be social later'.



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