Part 18 - Rub Some Bacon On It

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I walk over to the opening doors to see Dylan sitting outside the MacDonalds aggressively waving at me. I give a small wave back and sit down, placing my bag onto the table. I smile at him as he looks at me, his forehead being smothered by his light brown hair.

"Jennifer, I need to te-" he begins to say.

"Just a minute, I have something important I want you to know" I interrupt him by ripping out my laptop and opening it, pulling up the tab that includes my segment.

"You understand how I'm originally from America, right" I say, after a moment he nods.

"Well, I've never really told you this but I worked for a while at a bar. One night, I was hurt by a real jerk and was fired for not letting him do what he wanted to me, which is stupid. Anyway, I kinda ran out of the building and into a big field and sobbed for a long time. Then this group off guys come over and two of them offer for me to stay with them, I reluctantly agreed to. In the end, they we're the sweetest guys I had ever meet." I look into Dylan emerald eyes and see him listening intently at my words. I never, ever speak about America so this is news to him.

"So I ran away to Australia to start a new life, and I've lived here for 16 years. But today at Uni, we're currently doing an assignment on Youtubers and my teacher recommended a few channels. Turns out that they're now really successful Youtubers..." I start to mumble by the end of it, trying to look at him over my laptop that was placed in front of me.

"What's their name and how many subscribers?" He asks hastily.

"Uhh, 10 million"

"Holy Dooley! Who are they anyway?" He question again.

"That's not important because their going on a world tour"


"They're coming here..."

"To here?!"

"to Brisbane, Australia"

"Oh, what's their name?" He asks again.

"You probably haven't heard of them but their Rhett and Link"

He looks at me with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth. I stare at him, totally confused about what he's thinking.

"All my stars, you meet Rhett and Link!" He says, getting all giddy.

"Yeah...?" I reply questionably.

"I'm such a flipping huge fan of them! I'm actually wearing their merchandise right now."

Come to think that of it, I notice Dylan wearing a pair of their mythical shoes and a shirt that said 'Rub Some Bacon On It'. It nearly takes all the air out of my lungs, leaving me gasping for breath. My eyes begin to water as I stare at his shirt, the puzzle pieces fitting together. We get a few looks from people around us but I didn't care, all I knew at that moment was that they made a shirt about it. About my pain.

"What's wrong?!" Dylan says, running over to my side of the table.

"Y-y-your s-shirt" I say through tears

"What about it!?" He asks urgently, kneeling before me.

"I-I-it's something they s-said to me" I stutter.


"That jerk, he sprained my w-wrists so the next day, when were having breakfast, I tried to cut the bacon and I failed so L-link offered to help and h-he said 'r-rub some bacon on it'" I was pretty much hysterical by then, crying onto Dylan's shoulder.

"Shh, shh, shh, nobody's going to hurt, I've got you Jenny..." He cooed into my ear, making me cry some more.

"H-he used to c-call me that" I breathed, staring into his beautiful, green eyes.



Sup lovelies! Well the week is over, meaning no more GMM for 2 days, but the new animated sing biscuits is coming out, yay!
I've been writing this story so much and snow since I'm further in the book, I'm actually freaking out about what is happening in my own story...

Question: Who Should Jennifer Fall In Love With?


I'm personally unsure so comment below and tell me who you think she should end up with...

Love y'all,

Before I knew you: A Rhett and Link FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now