Part 32 - No Regrets

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I sat in the car panicking. What have I done?! I patiently waited for Rhett to return, but he was taking his sweet damn time returning that it started getting me anxious. Minutes slowly ticked away along with my sanity, I couldn't want any longer. I jump out of the vehicle and slammed the door. At that moment, Rhett came jogging around the corner. His nose seemed to be bleeding and his right cheek was beginning to bruise.

"Get in the car, Now!" He shouted as he went up the door and slipped into the car.

I saw Dylan emerge from around the building, in full sprint towards us. My breath hitched and I quickly got into my yellow buggy, driving off with the tires screeching behind us. Rhett sat there panting as I went through the round-a-bout's to my house. We didn't say anything, but when we pulled up at the small apartment, I pulled out a pack of tissues from the glove box. I hand him a few and get out, running to his side of the car. Link had returned home before us and was beside the car.

"What happened Jenny?" He asked as I dapped the tissue under the steady blood stream coming from his friends nose.

"Rhett got into a fight with Dylan"

"Wha- Who's Dylan?" Link asked baffled.

"The guy who did this, can you please get me some more tissues?" I ask while I help Rhett out of the car.

"Sure" Link says, and then he's gone.

"Come on, let's get you inside" I mumble. I wrap one of Rhett's arms around my shoulder to help him walk, but I didn't really help the fact he was nearly 1/3 taller than me.

I drag Rhett to the spare bedroom and lay him down on the bed. I sat down next to him and when Link came into the room with more tissues, I handed them to him.

"So what happened?" Link said as he sat down beside me.

"You know Dylan, the friend asked me out?"


"Well, I was sitting with Rhett and he came up to us. He started accusing me and saying we we're on a date but when I told him I was with you, Dylan started saying nasty stuff. He pinned me against the wall and Rhett tackled him, that's all I saw before I ran to the car..."

"Oh wow"

"Yeah, it didn't go as planned" I sigh as I hand Rhett another sheet of paper and tossed the old, soaked one.

"But it was worth it" Rhett muttered, "People shouldn't say stuff like that to others"

"Thank you Rhett" I said as I leaned down and gave him a small hug.

"It was nothin'" He chuckled.


The next day was Thursday. I had to go to school today and Rhett and Link we're meeting up with some of the crew to discuss the live GMM episode they would be preforming. I walked into Miss Laindyn's class and nearly fell asleep. We already had learnt how to write in script format so it was a pointless lesson. Everybody handed in their assessment to the teacher and left the room in an exhausted, grumpy, mood. I had some lunch in the main food building and then made my way to Mr. Welsh's class.

"Welcome class! Next week our final presentation is due but this lesson, I will be reviewing your drafts!" He cheerily calls out as I sat down in my regular seat.

"Crap..." I muttered under my breath. I had done nothing so far!

"I'm expecting to at least be handed something to review so chop, chop!"

As the teacher explained the different formats of online media, I quickly scrawled down as much of what I knew on the subject, which wasn't much. My hand started cramping halfway through the last paragraph and I groaned, this is going to be disastrous!

Finally, with 20 minutes left of class, Mr. Welsh started taking people to his desk to look over their work. And of course, I was first.

"Jennifer! Could you bring your work over?"

"Mmhmm" I mumbled.

I got out of my too-warm seat and forcefully dumped my book onto his desk. I stood there impatiently, waiting for him to finish reading, which didn't take too long.

"Uhh, it seems that instead of writing an essay on the differences of Online Media and Film companies, you have written a 1000 word summary on this unit. You haven't even listen two examples of online film creators or a script of your presentation!" He sighs.

"Well, I got caught up in a lot of things" I fiddled with a strand of hair, wrapping it anxiously around the pointer finger.

"Like what?" He snaps back, making me flinch.

"Uhhh, um, ju- A lot of things"

"You've got you work cut out for you Jennifer, you're not the only one that suffers if you fail, again..." He sighs.

"I understand, Sir"

"You can sit down now" Mr. Welsh replies and hands my work book back to me.

I snatch it from his grip and putting it away in my backpack, returning to my seat. Nothing seemed to be getting better lately. I took my phone out of my pocket and decided to text Link while the teacher was distracted.

Me: Hi

Link: Hey

Me: How's the meeting going?

Link: Incredibly slow...

Me: Ha, it's probably nothing compared to school. I completely forgot that my assignment draft was due this lesson for my Creative Online Media Class and now I have to randomly come up with an assessment plus a presentation by next week!

Link: Gosh, that sounds crazy!

Me: The funny thing is though, our presentation is going to be about Youtubers and I'm actually going to be talking about you and Rhett

Link: Sounds fun

Me: It's not as great as it looks

Link: I just had a brilliant idea

Me: What?

Link: Maybe Rhett and I could show up when you're presenting

Me: That would be awesome! As long as Rhett is okay with it

Link: I've already asked him, he said yes!

Me: Of course you did...

Link: I'll see later

Me: Okay, bye!

Link: Bye

I turned my mobile screen of and shoved it into my pocket, just as the bell rang. Everybody sprinted from his or her seats, including me; it was finally time to go home.


Hello lovelies! While you're reading this, I am at a friends house. I'm uploading this from my phone but I hope you like the story so far, Wattpad has sort of became a small part of who I am and i'm proud of it! Don't forget to watch the new comedy sketch that came out on the Rhett and Link channel.

Question: Favourite television show?

Doctor Who, MLP and Sherlock Holmes.



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