Part 5 - Happiness

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I sit there and continue to smile goofily. I probably looked like a lunatic, but I didn't care, not one bit. I was overjoyed. The two men by my side didn't despise me, nor did they think that I was a disgusting creature, just trying to make a living on this cruel earth.
I sit there, looking into the distance until I realise that they were both staring at me.

"Your kinda creeping me out you know?!" I say in a cheeky tone and a warm laugh.

"You seem so, happy... It's just, odd" Link replies with a very confused facial expression.

"I'm smiling because you two don't judge me, which most people do when I tell them. Not only that, but your helping me, and that's the most that anyone has ever done for me" I say smiling, again, but instead it was towards Rhett and Link.

"Why would we judge you? It's obvious that you need help and that your just trying to make enough money to feed yourself. Who should anyone look down upon you when your just trying to have a decent enough life" Rhett says, whilst looking deeply into my eyes.

"T-thanks" is all I manage to spit out.

Then out of nowhere, he learns over and puts his arm around my waist, giving me a small hug. I embrace it with happiness.
Link shuffles in his seat awkwardly and then speaks up.

"Hey, it's getting a bit late, how about we go hit the hay?" He spoke, with his strong southern accent.

"Yeah sure man" Rhett says to his best friend and gets off the lounge, leaving my side. I sit there, doing nothing. That is the moment when I realise I've done too much thinking lately and should get off my fat behind and go do something about it. Which I will,

In two days time.

"You coming Jennifer?" Link asks.

"Yeah, I'll follow you guys" I reply. I snap out of my trance and get up from my seat.

I follow the two tall figures down the particularly dark hallway and make our way to a smaller room. I could tell it was a study room but it also contained a blow up mattress, which so happened to be deflated like a shrivelled prune on the floor.

"Ughhh Link! When did you deflate it? I told you not to!" The taller one spoke in a very annoyed tone.

"Only yesterday, it's alright I'll put it up again" his best friend answered.

This again brought a smile to my face. These two dorks make me feel so happy, and not only that, but it's almost like their brothers. Which seems hilarious.

"You can use the shower, it's the room opposite the study which you are currently in, but make sure you tell us when your going to have a shower so we don't walk in on you. The stupid builders refused to place a lock on any of the doors so it's all open. Also, if you would like, we could go to the mall tomorrow and get you a few clothes for now since I don't think that dress is going to last that very long" Rhett spoke softly with a chuckle at the end.

"Thank you so much!" I turned towards the giant and have him a long hug.

At that moment, I was so happy.
But I wouldn't be for long.

Hello lovelies!
Last night I was on a writing spree and wrote another 3 chapters, which is a lot for me.
I had been feeling ill so I got to stay home from school yesterday (and also because I only had 3 hours of sleep that previous night) meaning that I pretty much danced around to some music and watched YouTube all day.

How are you dealing with the GMM break?

I'm not dealing with it, I'm dying from it...

Also I have gone through the previous chapters and removed some of the crude scenes because I'm worried that readers will deter from the book a bit when it comes to those sort of things so bare with me! Now the new and improved Part 2, consists of one page of terrible writing, I'm sorry.


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