Part 22 - Entounters at Aldi's

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Work wasn't much better than school. Being 37, I had been a 10 year employee and the local Subway, located in the shopping centre. As I finished up the Bacon and Egg breakfast wrap, I handed it to the eager customer who gave me a few notes in exchange.

"Thank you!" I said with a fake smile plastered on my petite face.

I look back out into the busy mall, filled with a variety of people of all ages and sizes. I notice over at the local Aldi shop (Aldi is like a food shop where everything is slightly cheaper and it's very Australian/it's a big thing in the county) and see a crowd starting to form. I sigh, today was the day I was meant to be food shopping and now I have to go out through that? Peeesh...

I slip my cap on and call it a day. I sign out of the work book and leave through the back door, trotting into the middle of the walkway. I get a few glares as I quickly scurry for cover inside the store, going through the large entrance. I look around and see how some young girls were in a circle, all looking extremely excited, which I thought was odd. Teenagers never did that unless somebody was offering them pizza or Netflix...

I ignore the group and continue my weekly shopping, throwing a few items into my basket.

Toilet paper.

I had nearly finished everything as I went over to the pasta, walking past the group of young girls. I huff at the silly sight and grab a packet of spiral pasta, and place it in my bag, until I get a good look at what's in the middle of the tightly formed circle.


There they were, towering over the young girls who were obviously 'fangirling' around the duo.

Rhett and Link, we're in Adli's

Oh god...

Why does this have to happen to me? I casually look away and pretty much run down the isle, which was a stupid idea because I of course slipped, and landed on my butt. I gave out a loud yelp of pain as I heard giggles and mutters from the teens. I see how all the girls had turned around and we're facing me, pointing their shaky hands in my direction. I look away and put my head in my hands, I could feel tears slipping as I awkwardly sat there on the floor in the middle of a busy shopping centre. Every Tom, Dick and Harry was staring at me, which included Rhett and Link. I heard foot steps come towards me as I clenched my face in my hand, hiding my identity.

This is not what I had planned.

"Are you alright miss?" I heard that oh-so familiar voice say.

I look up and gaze into those dazzling light blue eyes through his large glasses. But not for long since I quickly hid my face again and scooted over to the wall, pressing myself against various tins of canned spaghetti. I felt like I was back in the field again, crying from the boys who observed me leaning on the fence. But the fence was made of tinned cans and the grass was just cold, plain tiles.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" I heard his tall friend ask.

"Please.... Please just leave" I murmured

"It's alright, we won't hurt you" link said whilst putting his hand softly of my shoulder.

Not this again, I thought

I took my head out of my knees and looked at him for a split second before cracking like an egg.

"DONT TOUCH ME!" I screamed as I scrambled to my feet.

I look up at the shocked duo as the whole store went silent, anticipated what was going to happen next. Rhett and Link blinked a few times, unsure of what to say. Until I remember, they are friends, not foe.

"Oh my stars, I'm so sorry, I don't know what's gotten into myself lately" I said with a sniffle, wiping the tears from under my eyes with my sleeve.

They looked at me like I was insane, which I partly am. I was also surprised with my sudden personality change but I couldn't explain what that moment felt like, it was... Strange. I took a step forward and gave them a small, reassuring smile. They glanced into my puffy eyes and then to each other, mildly confused.

"T-that's fine, as long as your alright?" The dark haired boy replied anxiously.

"Yeah, yeah I'm alright, I'm good, I'm dandy, I'm okay, I'm ecstatic!" I said, getting crazier by the minute.

"Okay then, you stay safe" Rhett says before turning around with Link.

My eyes shoot open and without thinking, I grab their arms, gaining their attention. They look at me slight scared and wait for my next insane remark.

"W-what's your names?" I said nervously, letting my grip loosen.

"My name is Link,"

"And I'm Rhett"

I nearly passed out, but I didn't, I stayed awake long enough to say one last thing.

"Hi, my names Jennifer, but you can call me Jenny" I hold out my hands eagerly and wait for them to grasp it. That's when I hit the floor, being caught in the arms of my saviours, again.

Finally, she found them! My gosh, I was getting worried that she wasn't going to go into the Adli's but I'm glad she did!
How are y'all been lately? Are you currently procrastinating from your school work like myself? Yeah, I thought so...

Question: What country do you live in?
If you haven't guessed yet, I live in Australia. More precisely, in Brisbane. I love it here even though the climate is crazy and the animals all try to kill you *sigh*.


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