Chapter 19

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Riley managed not to hurt themself when they landed in the small alley.

It was dark and it was raining. The only source of light was the portal Riley fell through, floating in the air above Riley.

They got up and brushed the dirt off their clothes.

"That was interesting," murmured the teenager.

They looked around, expecting to see the others, but Riley was alone.


Where were the others?

They remembered everyone standing on stage and Five opening the portal. And then–

When did Riley let go of Five's hand? Or was it the other way around?

"Five?" the teenager called towards the portal. "Hey, Five!"

But Riley got no answer and the portal disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

"What the– Five? Five! Sweetie? FIVE! You fucking idiot!"

Riley looked around and there was no one else in sight.

Only the garbage cans from the neighboring houses filled the street. That and the rats that sought shelter from the rain under said garbage cans.


A flash of light illuminated the street and Riley jumped in surprise.

What was that?

The teenager turned around and looked at a house. There were no lights on in the windows, but Riley swore they saw something or someone scurry past one of the windows.

Riley kept an eye on the window for a few moments, but when nothing else happened, she turned away from the building.

They stepped out of the side street onto the sidewalk. The street was deserted.

Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

"Klaus? Diego? Luther?"

They knew that probably none of them could hear Riley, but part of them didn't want to accept losing their family... again.

This would be (or is) the second time this has happened.

Riley hoped they were the only one lost.

The teenager didn't want to imagine that all the siblings ended up somewhere and at some point in the past– alone and without knowing what was happening to the others.

But Riley was particularly worried about Allison and Vanya.

Allison, who was still seriously injured and unable to speak.

And Vanya, who was unconscious the last time Riley saw her.

Was she back to her old self? 

The teenager called for Five and their siblings one last time– just to be sure.

Then Riley took one last look into the small alley, hoping that the portal would reappear.

It didn't.

That meant Riley needed to think of something. They need a safe place to stay until Five comes to pick Riley up.

Yes, Riley knew with all their heart that Five would come back.

He always did.

But Riley knew from personal experience that time travel was a very complicated matter and hopefully it wouldn't take another 45 years.

Lost in Time ~ Five HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now