Chapter 5

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Riley – that’s what their mother and Pogo called them now.

The child liked the name.

Even if they didn't understand why their father didn't call them that and still addressed Riley as 'Number 8'.

Anyway, the child stood in the middle of the room and focused on their shield.

They just recently found out what Riley's power was and it would take a while before the child could fully control the shield.

Their Father, Pogo and their Mother stood by the little machine that shot balls in their direction.

It was Riley's job to make sure none of their siblings got hit by the plastic balls.

And so far it worked.

After some time passed, Riley felt confident enough to take a look around.

Luther and Diego worked on their combat skills, under Pogo's guidance. 

Klaus, who left the protective shield for a secound, threw balls that he grabbed at Ben.

Which was good training for Ben, who used his tentacles to fend off the balls.

Allison stood at the small board and tried to solve the puzzle.

And Five was standing not far from Riley, trying to jump.

So far he had only succeeded twice– the first time unintentionally and the second time intentionally.

Riley watched him for a few moments.

"Number 8, concentrate."

Riley looked away from Five and saw the yellow shield flickering.

The child stabilized the shield and smiled slightly.

At the same moment, Five tried, successfully this time, to jump.

He disappeared and stood next to Riley a blink of an eye later.

They smiled at the boy. Five smiled back.

Reginald closed his notebook and turned his gaze back to the children as Riley patted Five on the shoulder.

And suddenly all seven children disappeared and reappeared two meters to the left of where they were standing a second ago.

"Number 8, what did I just tell you?"



"Five, stay still, then it won't hurt as much," said Riley.

Riley was currently stitching up the small wound on Five's shoulder. They carefully cut the thread and put the needle away.

After that they grabbed a band-aid with locomotives on it and carefully stuck it onto the sewn-up wound.

Then they placed their fingertips on their lips and then on the plaster. 

"Done," said Riley.

While Riley put away the things they needed, Five put on a new shirt.

He grabbed a bag and motioned Riley to follow him.

Five opened the window and climbed out onto the fire escape.

He gave Riley his hand and helped them climb out the window, too.

Lost in Time ~ Five HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now