Chapter 25

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Diego parked the "borrowed" car a few blocks from Elliott's store.

He, Five, Lila and Rhea walked the last few meters.

In front of the building they met Riley, who was also walking towards the building.

"Riley, what are you doing here?" asked Five.

"Elliott didn't want me to use his telephone. Because of some… safety issues... he said. I don't know. So, I used a phone both," Riley explained.

They weren't surprised to see Diego, but they were surprised to see a woman and a girl with them.

"Oh right, these are the crazy lady and the kid," Five introduced the two.

Riley scoffed and raised an eyebrow.

"And do they have real names?" Riley wanted to know, looking at Five.

"We do. Hi, I'm Lila and this is my sister Rhea."

Lila held out her hand to the teenager. Her sister stood behind her and gave Riley a small wave with her hand.

"I'm Riley. Nice to meet you two."

"Okay, let's stop wasting time, alright? We have important business," Five complained.

He turned around without another word and entered the building.

Riley rolled their eyes and followed him up the stairs.

The group entered the living area of ​​Elliott's apartment/former electronics store.

"Where did you get the film?"

Riley turned their head a bit to the side and saw Elliott walking towards them and the others, a rifle pointed at them.

"'The Frankel Footage'. The truth this time."

"You know this lunatic?" Diego wanted to know from Five and Riley.

"New acquaintance. He's harmless."

“You sure about that?” Rhea asked and stepped behind Lila.

"Are you or are you not an enemy of the people?" Elliott spoke louder this time, seeming to think that this made him appear more threatening.

But not for the Hargreeves'

"Look for an open-ended question", Diego murmured.

"What does Enemy mean?", Riley asked, addressing no one in particular.

"Really depends on the people," said Five and Diego nodded in agreement.

"You move one more muscle, I will blow your brains out," threatened Elliott, not satisfied with the answers.

"You want to take this or should I?" Diego asked Riley and Five.

"No, I'll take care of it," Riley assured, taking a step behind Five. "Or do you want to?"

"No, no. Have fun," said Five.

Riley's mouth twitched upwards.

"Hey, girls..." Diego spoke to Lila and Rhea.

He distracted the sisters for a moment and Riley made themself invisible.

They ran towards Elliott, who realized too late that Riley was no longer with the others.

The teenager took the gun from his hand and Elliot stumbled back.

"What the hell just happened?"


A short time later the group tried to watch the tape.

They had Elliott tied to a chair and Lila was painting his toenails.

Lost in Time ~ Five HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now