Five landed in the alley on a sunny day in November 1963.He picked himself up and turned towards the portal when he realized he was alone.
"Riley! Hey, Riley!"
The portal disappeared, leaving Five confused in the alley.
What the fuck just happened?
He didn't remember letting go of Riley's hand– he would never do it anyway.
How the fuck could this happen?
He didn't have time to think about it as shots echoed from the street.
The teenager walked towards the street, which was in complete chaos.
Dozens of soldiers ran back and forth, screaming at each other in English or Russian.
Five took a few steps forward and stepped on a newspaper, and immediately worried about the headline.
"What the hell did we do now?" Five muttered seconds before a tank fired its ammunition behind him.
Using her newfound ability, Vanya stopped and destroyed the ammunition.
A few meters away, Klaus and Luther stood together and Klaus summoned a group of dead soldiers who immediately attacked the still living opponents.
A yellow wall appeared next to the two, seconds before the two were almost hit.
Ben, also summoned by Klaus, stood on a roof of the surrounding houses and helped as best he could.
Allison approached three soldiers and said: "I heard a rumor that I blew your minds."
Diego stood on an overturned car surrounded by a group of soldiers.
He jumped from the car as they began to aim at him and deflected the bullets so that they hit the soldiers.
"Five! You sick son of a bitch, where the hell have you been?"
Five wanted to walked towards his siblings, but someone stopped him.
"If you want to live, come with me," said the man.
"Hazel. What the hell's going on here?"
"There's no time to explain," said Hazel and pointed to the sky. "Those are nukes, old-timers."
"What about my family?" Five wanted to know.
He couldn't abandon her again.
"You can't save 'em if you're dead. Riley included."
Five looked around. He couldn't see Riley, but he knew they were here somewhere.
And Five knew Hazel was right.
The only way to save his family – to save Riley – was to go with Hazel.
He shook Hazel's hand and traveled with the other man's briefcase.
The next thing Five knew was, that he was standing in street sometime in the sixties. Well, he guessed it was this decade judging by the clothes and surroundings.
"Okay... what the hell was that?"
"The end of the world, November 25, 1963."
"'63... You know, Hazel, Riley is the history buff of us, but I don't recall there being a nuclear holocaust."
"No shit."
"What about my family?"
"Dead, like everyone else," replied Hazel.

Lost in Time ~ Five Hargreeves
FanfictionThis Story follows the events of the series 'The Umbrella Academy'. Where Riley Hargreeves and their Siblings have to stop the apocalypse... I do not own any of the characters, just Riley and their storyline.