Chapter 13 | Letters

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[Chapter 13 | Letters]

Akira walked inside from getting the mail from the mailbox, a blanket wrapped around her. She hummed a song as she looked through them and stopped at a fancy letter. "Oh...?" She read the front. "Ah, Jun. You have a letter!" She went to her daughters room.

Jun looked up from her book. She was studying. "A letter? Did I hear right?"

"Yes." Akira smiled at her and walked over to her, handing her the letter. "Looks fancy. Maybe it's from one of your rich friends...?"

"Maybe." Jun examined the letter before opening it. Once she opened it, a bunch of money fell out. Her eyes widened. "Money?" She mutter. Akira said nothing and just stared with wide eyes.

Jun looked in the letter. She then turn it upside down and more money fell out. There was nothing but money inside it. "What the hell?" Jun furrowed her brows. She  look at the letter to see who sent it but it didn't have a return address nor a name of who sent it.  

"Jun...What is this about?" Her mother asked, worried.

"I don't know, mum. Maybe one of the hosts sent it as a prank..though..only Kyoya knows where I live..." Jun replied. "Kyoya wouldn't do this..." She gather the money and put it back in the letter. "I'll talk to him tomorrow at school." It was night now.

"Okay...but if you get into any sort of trouble, tell me, okay?" Akira said.

"Yes, mum. I promise I will." Jun replied. Akira smile softly at her.

"Good..Now i'm going to bed. Goodnight. Don't stay up too late." Akira gave her a kiss on her forehead and then ruffled her hair before leaving. 

"Night." Jun watched her go. She looked at the envelope before going back to studying.

The very next day she went to school with the envelope in her bag. Instead of just going to class early, she looked around for Kyoya but of course  bumped into Kaoru, who had a habit of just popping out of nowhere.

"Not going to class?" Kaoru questioned.

"Not early this time, no." Jun replied. " I need to speak with Kyoya. Have you seen him?"

Kaoru put a hand on his hip. "Nope. Haven't seen him yet. What do you need to talk about?"

"Ah well, last night my mother came in and gave me a letter that was sent to me, though it had no words in the was filled with money. A lot of it." Jun said. She reach into her bag, taking out the envelope.

Kaoru's eyebrows furrowed. "That's strange..." He took the envelope and looked at it. "No return address?"

"No. I have no idea who sent it and Kyoya is the only one out of you all that knows where I live." She pointed out. "I don't know anyone rich outside of Ouran either." She sigh." Most of all I just want to know why..."

"Maybe someone just saw how poor you were?" Kaoru blink. Jun glared at him. He put his hands up in surrender. "Joking. Joking. Anyway I was wondering--"

"Ah. Kyoya is over there." She spotted Kyoya walking with Tamaki and ran up to them after taking the envelope from Kaoru. Kaoru sighed softly and watched her go."Kyoya. Can I speak to you?"

Kyoya stopped in his spot. "What about, Jun?"

Jun looked to Tamaki then to Kyoya. "Last night I got this." She held out the envelope. "It has nothing in it but a lot of money, and I mean a lot."

Kyoya rose a brow. He took it and peered into the already opened letter, looking through the money. "Strange." He said. "You don't know who sent it?"

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