[ After Story ]

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[ After Story]

[How the future turned out]

"What? You can't be serious." Jun leaned back in her black chair, putting her feet up on her wooden desk and holding her iPhone to her ear. "That business proposal was supposed to be stamped yesterday." She paused and listened to the man on the other side of the phone. "Yes, well, get it done as soon as possible. I won't be waiting."

She hung up and placed her phone down, sighing and rubbing her forehead in frustration.

"You're only twenty-six, you shouldn't be such a cold and stern business woman yet." Kyoya said as he walked in, a coffee in his hand. He sat down on the side of the wooden desk, extending the hand with the coffee to Jun.

Jun looked up and smiled, taking the coffee. "I'm afraid I'm already having my mid-life crisis."

"That's no good." Kyoya sipped his own coffee. His eyes trailed to her right hand, where on a certain finger was ring was. It was diamond and on the sides were topaz. "You're still wearing it."

"I haven't taken it off since that day." She smiled slightly, putting the coffee down and looking closely at the ring. "It's beautiful."

"It suits you."

"That's cheesy."

"I know." Kyoya chuckled, memories of when he proposed fresh in his mind.

It was at France. It was a business trip for the both of them but there was more vacation fun times then business going on there. He had taken her all around France and on the last day of their trip, they headed to Paris and up on the Eiffel Tower.

Nobody else was on the Tower or even near it that day except for those two. Kyoya had taken her hand, spoken such beautiful words.

"I always want to be with you."

"The world and people change but never will my love for you, Jun, you are truly unlike any other woman I've ever met before."

"I will go through what we went through again and again if it meant I could be with you in the end, that I could hold you, love you and kiss you."

"I love you."

After speaking such beautiful words, the raven haired boy got down on one knee, took out a black box, opened it then extended his hand. "Will you be mine for eternity?"

Eternity is a long time and Jun couldn't think of any other person she'd rather spend it with than the man before her on one knee and with that ring, their love was truly declared official. Jun couldn't say any other word but 'Yes'.

"You spoke as if you were in a romance novel that day." Jun said, looking over to Kyoya.

"You loved it though, didn't you?"

"I did." Jun finished off her coffee, a slight smile on her lips. " And soon, we won't be simply engaged anymore." She nodded. "Our wedding is in December."

"Around Christmas time, I can't think of a time better. We have no business then either." Kyoya got up, tossing his now empty coffee cup in the bin.

"So it works." Jun got up. "We have to go see the others now, don't we?"

"We do." Kyoya extended his hand for his Fiancee to take. She smiled and took it, squeezing his hand. "Let's go."

Both of the two, still in a suit (yes, Jun wore a suit too and not the lady kind), got into a limo and headed off. Their destination wasn't anywhere special really, but it had special people there.

They ended up at a commoner park and got out of the limo together. In the distance, was the host club together on a large picnic blanket and on the side at the bench was Tamaki's father and Yoshio, casually speaking. They often got together and somehow down the line, everybody ended up inviting them to every cute picnic get together they had.

"Oh, look at risky business over here." Hikaru snickered at Jun and Kyoya as they walked up. "Or should I say the Men In Black?"

"Yeah, Men In Black." Kaoru grinned.

"But seriously, you two couldn't get out of your suits?" Hikaru rose his eyebrows.

"We'd rather be here on time and we didn't have any time to change." Jun said.

Yukimura looked up, only now noticing that Jun and Kyoya had arrived. She quickly got up from the blanket, her eyes big. She had gotten taller, but was still shorter then Jun and had short hair cut in a bob. "Jun!" She beamed, walking over to her and hugging her.

Jun hugged her back. "Hello, Yuki." She squeezed her gently then pulled away, looking down to her round tummy. "How is the baby going?"

"Good...kind of," Yukimura furrowed her eyebrows in distress." The kicking is starting to hurt a lot." She shook her head.

"I'm sure it'll settle down soon." Jun nodded.

"Mmhm, and when are you and Kyoya going to have a baby?" She blinked.

Jun and Kyoya exchanged displeased glances before Jun looked to Yukimura. "We have no desire for one, at least not yet." She said. They were far too busy with each other and work and that's how Jun liked it. Kyoya too.

"Fair enough..." Yukimura nodded, holding her stomach with both hands, including the one with a ring on. Yukimura and Kaoru were the second couple to get married in the Host Club. The first were surprisingly yet not so surprisingly, Tamaki and Haruhi.

Jun glanced to Tamaki and Haruhi, who now had semi-long hair. Tamaki was cuddling her lovingly, as per usual. She then looked to Mori and Honey. They hadn't changed all that much. They were still close, Honey was still cute and Mori was still quiet.

She then looked to the two fathers, eyes landing on Yoshio.

Yoshio glanced to her and gave a slight smile, nodding. 

Jun smiled and nodded in return before turning her attention back to the group. "Now, let's start eating?" She said.

"Yeah!" Both the twins beamed.

Jun rolled her eyes and sat down with Kyoya on one side and Yukimura on the other. They all started to eat and chat rather happily. Everyone had grown so much and everyone was so happy... This was the way life should be.

Jun managed the company with Kyoya, Yoshio and Kyoya's other brothers. 

The other hosts were all successful and happy with somebody to love.

Kyoya was Jun's. 

Jun was Kyoya's.

Yes, life is good.

Life is perfect.


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