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[A one shot for fun.Does not influence the main story in any way]

It is said that Halloween is the day where the dead come to walk along the living. Its when hell opens, letting the demons in to fool around with the humans.

On Halloween the chains bound to ghosts break free just for the day, allowing them to either leave the place they are bound to or look human for a day and walk around freely.

Halloween is a time for- 

"Studying." Jun said.

"What? On Halloween night...?" Yukimura pouted. She was dressed up as an vampire too. She furrowed her brows." You do not want to trick or treat?"

"Halloween isn't that popular in Japan." Jun said."And it's not my thing."

Yukimura looked sad. "But..." She look down then got an idea. "At least visit a haunted place with me!" She exclaimed, looking up. "Then you can go back to studying!"

"..." Jun looked at Yukimura and those sad eyes of hers. "...Fine."

Yukimura lit up, looking like a cute puppy. "Ah, thank you! Let us go then!" Thus Yukimura dragged her along somewhere. It was out of the city, to an isolated forest. It was dark and gloomy. Jun didn't question her, just walked beside her in the forest carefully. It was night time too suddenly...! Or maybe that was just the trees blocking the sky. They were that high after all.

"I heard it was...ah, here!" Yukimura walk to a strange clearing in the forest. It was just dead grass in a large circle, surrounded by trees that looked black. "Apparently this is a place you can summon demons!"

"And we'd want to do that why?" Jun asked.

"I didn't say we were but...maybe we should try..." Yukimura mumbled. "I remember the words you have to say too!" She twiddled her thumbs. "...I'm too scared to do it... Can you?"

Jun stare at her. Yukimura looked at her with sad eyes again. Jun sigh. "Fine. What do I say?"

"Here, read it off my phone!" Yukimura got out her phone, quickly writing up the words then handing it to Jun. "You have to say it sternly and if you do not believe it won't happen and you have to look at the center."

Jun inwardly sigh. She looked at the phone, reading through it before looking up to the center.

"I believe with my visions, my sound, my breath and my heart." 

"Reveal your self to me and thou will receive many enjoyments."

"Reveal yourself to me and the deal made shall take thy soul."

And nothing happened. "..." Jun looked to Yukimura.

She looked around. "Oh...I guess it is just a myth." Yukimura mumbled in her soft, sad voice. "Oh well. It was still nice to visit..."

Suddenly in the center a black smoke emitted, surrounding the entire clearing. Jun quickly covered Yukimura's mouth to protect her and stop her from inhaling any smoke in her mouth and did the same with her own.

Quickly the black smoke faded away and the girls' eyes which closed because the smoke made them tear up, opened.

In the center was a few male demons, dressed in black.

Yukimura and Jun squinted, looking at them.

Two twins, one tall demon, one short demon, a blond demon and a demon with glasses.

"...WHAT?!" Jun finally exclaimed, her jaw dropped.

Yukimura stared with wide eyes. "...This is... a magic trick...?" She looked distressed and confused at the same time.

"Well crap." Hikaru huffed. 

"You two found out..." Kaoru mutter.

"Yes, it's true! We are the demons of the black forest clearing." Tamaki dramatically exclaimed, wiping a fake tear from his eye. " I didn't want you to find out this way..."

"We didn't even plan to tell you..." Honey mumble, tearing up. "Uwah!I am sorry! Forgive me!"

Yukimura stare with wide eyes. "S-So you are all demons...?!" She was convinced.

"..." Kyoya just stared, not looking too impressed with all this.

"Yes, it's true!" Tamaki sigh dramatically. "And you two summoned us... I'm sorry, but whoever summons us has to pay a price. That price is a deal. A deal, whatever you want in return for your soul."

"M-My soul?" Yukimura stare with wide eyes.

"Your soul." The twins both said, nodding. Mori gave a nod too, his expression as blank as ever though.

"...Oh..." Yukimura look to Jun. "What do we do?"

Jun was just staring blankly. "...There's a smoke machine behind that tree." She pointed. Yukimura looked and her eyes widen.

"Oh." Yukimura blinked a few times. 

"...Crap." Kaoru squint.

"Um...we can explain!" Tamaki said.

"You see we told Yukimura about this place and knew she'd come here and probably drag you along so we wanted to uh..."Hikaru scratch his neck.

"You wanted to scare me, didn't you?!" Yukimura looked upset.

Jun was annoyed and a little angry because they were getting Yukimura upset. "You guys..." A scary fire like aura practically surrounded Jun and the boys backed away. "Come on, Yukimura. Let's go trick or treating, okay?" She took her wrist.

Yukimura lit up a little. "Trick or treating? But you don't have a costume..."

"Yes but I am sure you will pick a good one for me." Jun nod.

Yukimura smile wide. "Okay!" She beam.

Jun nod. She look to the boys then Kyoya. "..."

Kyoya smirk. "Do I look good in my costume?" He was just dressed in black with a red cape, thanks to Tamaki but boy did it look good on him.

"You sure do." Jun smile slightly. Kyoya let out a chuckle. "But you're all idiots. Do this again to her and it won't be pretty." She then walked off with Yukimura.

The rest of the night was filled with trick or treating with Yukimura and eating candy.

If this was what the hosts would do...she didn't want to know what was going to happen on Easter.

Not at all.

[Just a fun little chapter to make you smile. Jun sure does have a soft spot for Yukimura, huh? She's like a big sister to her. I find it adorable.]

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