Chapter 23 | For Her

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[Chapter 23 | For Her]

The music from the Ootori house was softer, classical, not the type of music you'd hear for a party but with business partners and important families at the party, you couldn't really have a rock and roll song blasting.

The lights were dim and the buffet was a commoner's dream come true. It was full of desserts, chocolate to cake. It had salads and other high class snacks too, so it wasn't all junk.

"What a lovely party!" Tamaki beamed as he walked around with Kyoya and the rest of the group, excluding Haruhi. "Though it could be a bit more fun... I hear commoner party games are fun!" He said, grinning.

"I highly doubt my father would allow 'commoner party games' at his party." Kyoya said with a slight amused smirk on his face, which earned an adorable frown from the blond haired male.

"Where's the lady?" Honey spoke up in his adorable voice.

"She should be around here somewhere..." Kyoya said, looking around. As if on cue, Yukimura came from the top of the stairs, walking down them. Her hair was up in a bun, her fringe out and she wore a beautiful white dress.

As she came down, it was like a scene from a movie, showing the beauty walking down the stairs in slow motion. Kaoru's eyes widened. "Is that...her?" He muttered. Hikaru looked to him and grinned wickedly at his reaction.

"Yes." Kyoya replied, nodding his head. "Yukimura Bellandini."

"Bellandini?" Hikaru blinked.

"Yes. It's Italian. Her father is Japanese and her mother Italian, her father decided to give her the mothers surname instead of his." He said. "They recently lived in Italy up until now."

"Ah, I see." Hikaru nodded. "Is she good at speaking Japanese?"

"Yes. She's fluent." Kyoya said.

Yukimura spotted Kyoya and walked over to him, smiling her gentle but sad smile. "Kyoya." She said, trying to make the effort to get along with him. "This is...a nice party." She looked to the hosts. "Who are your friends?"

"They are from school, part of the club I'm in." Kyoya said, introducing them. "Tamaki Suoh, Mitsukuni Haninozuka, Takashi Morinozuka and-"

"Hikaru Hitachiin!" Hikaru beamed.

"Kaoru Hitachiin!" Kaoru grin.

Yukimura smiled. "Delighted to meet all of you." She said politely. "I'm going to get a drink...Do any of you want some?"

"Yes! We'll all get one. Kaoru, why don't you go with her and help her carry them, eh?" Hikaru nudged his brother. Kaoru blinked then smiled.

"Sure." He said, looking to her. She simply smiled at him and started to walk to the table. He quickly followed, leaving his brother and the rest of the hosts behind. He walked beside her, trying to think of what to say. He had to do this...for Kyoya and Jun. For her.

"So um." Kaoru looked around then to her. "Your Kyoya's fiancee, right?"

"...Right." She replied in a not so cheerful tone, even though her voice is always sad, it seemed sadder. "He has a girlfriend though, yes? She must be nice..."

Kaoru smiled. "Yeah, she is." He said. "...Do you want to marry him?"

Yukimura blinked, looking  to him then away. "Do you want the honest truth?" Her eyes looked to him, her head forward. He only gave a nod in response. She sighed. "No." She spoke up. "I don't."

They got to the table. She poured the drinks. "I always thought marriage was about" She gaze down.

Kaoru's eyes narrowed. "They're marrying you off to Kyoya's family for business, right?"

"Right." She sigh. "My mother and father got married out of love though, why can't I? I mean... Kyoya is nice and all but he has a girlfriend and he has no interest in me at all." She shook her head, picking up a few glass drinks.

Kaoru picked up some too. They started to walk back to the group together. "Don't worry. I'm sure everything will be alright in the end." He said. "Kyoya will be happy with his girlfriend and you'll find a boyfriend." He said. "If that's what you're into that is."

Yukimura let out a small chuckle at what he added at the end. "Haha...I hope so." She smile at him. "I hope so..."

Kaoru looked at her, smile on her face though her eyes held sadness. She really...didn't like this, being engaged to Kyoya. "..." He looked away as they regrouped with the hosts, giving them their drinks.

"Thank you!~" Honey beamed, taking it and sipping the sweet non-alcoholic drink.

Hikaru looked at Yukimura then Kaoru. He winked and gave a thumbs up when she wasn't looking while with his other hand, he sipped the drink. Kaoru just grinned at his brother.

It was later on in the party. Most of the people were gone by now, even though it was only 10:15 PM. "We should get going." Hikaru said. "We had fun!" He grinned.

"Yeah." Kaoru nodded in response, grinning. He dropped his grin and smiled at Yukimura. "See you another time Yukimura."

Yukimura smiled at him, blushing lightly. "See you, Kaoru."

He grinned along with Hikaru, waving as they left the building. Kyoya exchanged glances with Tamaki, both of them smirking though Tamaki's was more like a smile.

Meanwhile, Jun was in her room finishing up her study session with a friend from Lobelia. "Ah,  you're so smart Jun-chan!" Mari exclaimed, putting her books in her bag. "Can we study again tomorrow night?"

"Maybe not tomorrow but soon." Jun said, getting up off her bed to walk Mari to the door. 

Mari grinned as they walked out of her bedroom. "Yay! I'm learning a lot." She beamed, opening the front door. Kyo walked past, blinking.

"What's happening?" Kyo asked, his brown hair messy as he had just gotten out of bed to go get a snack from the pantry or fridge.

"I'm just leaving. See you later Kyo-kun." Mari smiled cutely. Kyo blushed and grinned.

"Heh...See you." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Bye!" Mari gave Jun a hug before leaving. Jun closed the front door behind her and looked to Kyo who was grinning.

"Your friend is cute." He said. "You should pair m-"

"No." Jun immediately replied, walking back to her room. She closed the door behind her and quickly changed into her pajamas. Putting her casual clothes away, she looked over to the black stand in her corner, on one handle her wig and cap, on the others her Ouran uniform. "..."

Those were the good days, when everyone though she was a boy...Ouran was nice. Ouran was amazing. She would love to go back, but no, not on bad terms. Tamaki's father got her back into the school but she wouldn't go back just yet.

She was going to get Kyoya's father to see what they felt for each other and to stop being stuck up. 

Jun picked up her phone off her bedside table, ringing Kyoya for the fourth time this night. Ringing. Ringing. Ringing. Still, no answer. "..." She didn't leave a message but hung up in stead.

Not bothering again, she just went to bed.

[Well, at least Yukimura has taken a liking to Kaoru. Haha, whenever I do love triangles I always have to give the boy who doesn't get the heroine someone. I just have too...]

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