Chapter 25 | Ootori Family

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[Chapter 25 | Ootori Family]

"Sir?" Kyomi, Yoshio Ootori's assistant, walked up to him, a letter in her hand. "It's the girl..." She stopped at the desk, placing the letter down on the wooden top.

Yoshio rose a brow. He didn't say anything and just picked up the letter, taking it out of the envelope. He looked at the letter, his eyes widening slightly. "..." He rose a brow, looking back up to his assistant. He was about to speak up when the doors opened, revealing his daughter and Kyoya's sister, Fuyumi.

"Father." Fuyumi walked over to him. "Is it true?"

"Is what true, Fuyumi?" He questioned.

"That you brought in Yukimura's family to get rid of Kyoya's current girlfriend? I was speaking to Tamaki... He told me everything." And she meant everything, about how Jun and Kyoya met, who she is and how she acts and such.

Yoshio's eyes narrowed. "Jun is a commoner." He then said. "Marrying her instead of Yukimura won't help our family."

"How do you even know they will marry?" Fuyumi questioned, a distressed expression on her face. "Father... Kyoya is happy with her and Yukimura doesn't want to marry a man she does not love." She sigh, glancing to the side. "...Me and Akito were speaking about it and-" Akito, Kyoya's brother and the second oldest son.

"I don't want to hear it, Fuyumi." He interrupted her.

Fuyumi blinked in surprise. Her eyes saddened. "...Yes father." She quickly turned and walked out, her head down, looking at the floor as she did so.

Once she was gone, Yoshio looked back to the letter then to Kyomi. "Get the car, Kyomi."

The car stopped at a small cafe, a commoner cafe. Yoshio stepped out of the car, dressed in a nice formal suit. He came here himself, not counting the driver of the car. He shut the door behind him. He looked around for a moment before he walked inside the cafe.

He spotted Jun sitting in the corner of the cafe, on a two seated table. Her hair was out and she purposely wore male clothes, some she brought herself. Jeans and black shirt with skull and cross bones on it. It fit her well. "..." He walked over to her, sitting down

Jun blinked in surprise, looking over to him. "I didn't think you'd come." She said.

"I didn't either." Yoshio replied. "Why did you ask me here?"

"I want to know why you hate me so much and why you won't stop. Me and Kyoya are already together and you brought in an innocent girl to marry him." Jun said. "Whatever you do, I don't hate you so why do you despise me?"

"There are many reasons." Yoshio said. "You're a commoner, you can't merit my family."

"Yukimura alone can't either. It's just about her family." Jun said. "If you want me to learn how to do such things like business then I am willing to learn." He looked surprised at that. "I love Kyoya...and he loves me."

"You spend a lot of time away from him for someone who loves him." Yoshio pointed out.

"And who's fault is that?" Jun asked. "I am serious, Mr. Ootori." She leaned in. "I always get what I want." She said to intimidate him. "And Kyoya is what I want."

Yoshio stared at her with wide eyes. They then narrowed. "You're a determined girl, Jun." He said. "If the situation wasn't like this and your lifestyle was different, I would probably like you."

"..." Jun stay silent, just staring at him.

"But I don't." Yoshio said. "I don't care if you love him. Love won't change a thing."

Jun frown. "Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well." She quoted a certain famous artist. "You will change your mind or adapt to what will be mine."

Yoshio's eyes widened slightly then narrowed yet again. "...We're done here." He then left, not wanting to speak anymore though as he left, he had a small little smirk on his face. He was impressed. Jun was a strong woman.

A chuckle left his lips.

A girl stood up from the other table, a hood over her head. She went over to Jun and sat down, pulling the hood down to reveal her face. Yukimura sigh. "So that's how it is huh..." She muttered. "What a small world. I'm still surprised that you turned out to be Kyoya's girlfriend, a commoner that I just met randomly on the street."

"Life is fill of surprises." Jun said.

"I liked the Van Gogh quote too, heh..." Yukimura smiled softly. "...I hope things turn out well...for the both of us." She looked to Jun." I Kaoru. I want to spend more time with him."

"That can be arranged." Jun said.

"Ah!" Yukimura lit up as she got an idea. "Maybe...we can do a double date thing...? Me, you, Kaoru and Kyoya, yes?"

Jun blinked at that. "Um..."

"I think it would be splendid!" Yukimura clasp her hands together happily.

"...Maybe." Jun blinked. She looked to her phone as it buzzed, checking the text message she received.

'How did it go?' - Kyoya

Jun sigh softly and texted her love back.

'I'm not sure.'

She looked up and out the window, watching the passersby. "..." What to do. She organised this meet up to try and get somewhere with him, but did they get anywhere at all? He still seemed to hate, or maybe just dislike her.

Ah, this was difficult.

"Jun?" Yukimura blinked, snapping her out of her thoughts.

Jun blinked in surprise when she spoke up and looked to her, eyebrows slightly raised. "Yes?"

"Are you okay?" Yukimura asked.

"Oh. Yes, I'm fine." Jun said, looking forward.

"Good then. As much as I'd rather not, I'm hungry, so let's go eat." Rather not? Rather not as in rather not eat commoner food, which made Jun inwardly sigh.

"I can't spend anymore money." Jun said.

"I'll buy this time." Kyoya nod."

"This time? You say it as if there will be another."

"Who knows." The raven replied with a slight smirk.

"Ah!" Yukimura lit up as she got an idea. "Maybe...we can do a double date thing...? Me, you, Kaoru and Kyoya, yes?"

"Yeah. I'm fine..."

[Mr.Ootori what u doing]

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