Chapter 21 | Problematic

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[Chapter 21 | Problematic]

Jun stared in the direction the car had gone. Kyoya had gone off with his father. He didn't even speak to her after she confessed her love and her lie.

Finally the others caught up to her, the host club and some guests. "Did Kyo-chan go away...?" Honey spoke up, his voice sad. Mori nodded to his question.

"Jun..." Tamaki walk up to her, putting an hand on her shoulder and giving it a firm squeeze.

Jun looked back to him, her expression as calm and expressionless as ever. "..." She looked back. "Why would he go?"

"Kyoya...does whatever his father wants." Tamaki said. "He listens to him, his every word."

Jun sighed softly. "I see." She said. "I guess...there's nothing else to do."

It felt wrong to end it this way.

After what she did the ending should of been happy. Kyoya should of said he felt the same way and went against his father and the party should of gotten better, happier.

That was a fairy tale ending though and this wasn't a fairy tale. It was reality.

"I'm going to be expelled aren't I?" Jun said. "For lying about my gender."

"..Yeah." Tamaki took his hand off her shoulder.

"Thought so. This was fun while it lasted. I just wish Kyoya's father wasn't the way he is." Jun said, turning back to them. "Thank you everyone." She did a bow. "But I'm going to go now."

"Jun, wait." Kaoru said.

Jun turn away and started to walk, heading to the train station. "I'll give the suit back, I promise." She said as she walked.

She went to the station and waited.

She waited for the train with her thoughts full of him.

She wondered if he would come back for her.

If he would come back at all.

Kyoya sat there in the car, silent. He could not believe it. For once in his life he didn't know what to do."..." He looked to his father. "Did you really do all that to her?"

"Yes." Yoshio replied. "She's not good for you."

Kyoya was angry. No, his anger could not even be described as angry. He was outraged. His blood was boiling. "You did that to get her away from me?" He said. Despite how angry he was he kept his cool expression. "Father. I am sorry but this time, I will not listen to you."

Yoshio's eyes widened in surprise then narrowed in hatred at his son. He looked to him. "What?"

"There is no merit in me being with her but I can't stop my feelings. I don't want anybody else." Kyoya said. "I will not marry anyone you desire or date anyone you desire unless it is her. You made her expose herself and that is unforgivable."

Yoshio was shocked. Those words...

[Days Later]

The bell rung, which signaled home time. Class was over. Jun got up from her desk, packing her things. So far, Lobelia was nice.

The girls had heard what happened and told her how brave it was. They got her into Lobelia and wouldn't leave her alone since. It was sweet, but annoying still. "Jun-chan!" A girl went into the classroom. She had normal brown hair that stopped at her shoulders and hazel eyes. She was shorter than Jun too.

Jun looked over to her. "Mari?" She said. "What is it?"

"There's some people at the gate for you." The girl named Mari said. "Some very good looking guys!" Some good looking guys...At those words she knew who they were. It was the host club, but was Kyoya there too?

"There is? Thank you. I'll go immediately." Jun picked up her bag and walked out of the room, walking as fast as she could.

She wore the Lobelia uniform, which she thought was nicer than Ouran's. It wasn't as puffy and...bright.

Jun walked to the gate. Once it was in her view, she saw a lot of people and she means a lot. The host club was at the front of the crowd and the rest of the people in the crowd were people from the school, her old customers.

Jun was shocked at the sight. She quickly went up to them, putting her bag on the ground once there. "You guys?"

"Jun-chan!" Honey exclaimed happily.

The twins grinned at her and Haruhi smiled.

"We weren't going to let you go just like that!" Tamaki said. "Even though you did betray us by going to this school." He pouted at her. She stared at him blankly. "We got to get you back into the host club and Ouran."

"But what about Kyoya?" Jun said. "If he is not interested in me in any way shape or form, then I do not want to go back. Even though I do love you all."

Tamaki smile. The host club stepped back and the crowd moved to the side, making a small pathway between them. At the end of that path was Kyoya, looking as cool as ever, leaning on a limo.

He looked up. "Jun, there you are." He smirked, getting off the limo and walking up to her.

Jun's eyes widened. "Kyoya?"

Kyoya stopped once he stood in front of her, looking down. "What you did at the party was brave." He then said. "Though, what I said to my father afterwards was probably even more so. He's very angry and it's all because I chose you over him."

Her cheeks couldn't help but go a light red." You did?"

"I did."

"Why?" Jun questioned.

Kyoya glanced away for a moment then looked back to her. "Because, even though there is no merit in me being with you and there is no way you can benefit my family if I date you or marry you, I have feelings for you too. I love you, Jun."

It was so out of character for him to say, but Jun loved his words as almost as she loved him.

"Kyoya.." Jun said. Kyoya lean down, putting a hand on her cheek. He closed his eyes as he closed hers and pressed his lips against hers, sharing a sweet kiss full of love with her.

The others cheered and Jun swore a few girls even fainted, as some of them had wanted Jun and Kyoya together when they thought Jun was a boy. So this was the closest thing to Kyoya and boy Jun getting together like they had wanted.

They pulled away from the kiss. Jun smile at him. "You really are cool, Kyoya." She said.

"Yes, I know." Kyoya replied in his usual tone. He reach into his pocket, taking out an envelope and giving it to Jun. "For you."

Jun took it from him, opening it up and pulling the letter out.

It was an acceptance letter for Ouran. 

They were welcoming her back.

"You can thank me for that." Tamaki joked, winking.

"Heh." Jun smiled at him. "Thank you, Tamaki." She put it back into the envelope. "I will come back, maybe. It depends on how things work out.."

"With who?" Hikaru rose a brow.

"I think you know who."

Everything seemed perfect at the moment but there was still Kyoya's dad and he was still a problem. Surely he couldn't have anything planned...or anyone.


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