Many Happy Returns

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The Grounder girl and Cal look at each other, terrified as the Grounder gets dragged out of the cage to get hanged upside down and drained for blood. "No!" Cal yells as a guard holds her back inside the cage. "Let her go! Take me!"

They don't listen and instead hangs up the girl to get drained. Cal punches the man holding her in the cage and jumps out, kicking the guard before running to the Grounder and punching that guard as well. "Chit laik yu doing?" The Grounder asks, groggily.

What are you doing?

"Ai laik getting osir out gon hir." Cal responds.

I'm getting us out of here.

"No, yu can nou. Nou yu think ai don tried? Osir can nou ge out."

No, you can't. Don't you think I've tried? We can't get out.

"Yu don kom kom gon least try." Cal says, helping the Grounder stand up. The door opens and Cal's head whips up to see Tsing walking through. "Osir don kom go." Cal tries running with the Grounder, but she doesn't move.

You have to at least try. We have to go.

"Ai can nou." The Grounder groans. "Yu go."

I can't. You go.

"Ai laik nou leaving yu." Cal says as she makes the Grounder walk with her.

I'm not leaving you.

"Stop!" Tsing yells as guards come rushing forward.

"Why laik yu doing disha?" The Grounder asks. "Why won't yu bants?"

Why are you doing this? Why won't you leave?

"Yu laik ai friend. Ai nou bants ai friends." Cal responds, still struggling to get the Grounder away from the guards as they are catching up.

You're my friend. I don't leave my friends.

"Yu nou even know ai name."

You don't even know my name.

"Ai guess yu better tel me den."

I guess you better tell me then.


Cal smiles at her. She finally knows her name. "Cal." The guards seize them and Cal struggles to get out.

"Chit's em short gon?" Echo asks, distracting her.

What's it short for?


"Go, Calliope. Ai know yu can."

Go, Calliope. I know you can.

"Ai won't bants yu." Cal says, shrugging off one of the guards hands.

I won't leave you.

"Go. Ai'll be fine." Echo says while being dragged to the cage. "Yu can nou do anything in a cage, Calliope. Go."

Go. I'll be fine. You can't do anything in a cage, Calliope. Go.

Cal hesitates and looks at the door her sister went out of not even a day ago and kicks the guard in his leg, making him double over. "Ai'll be back gon yu." She then runs to the door and opens it, immediately running inside and closing it behind her.

I'll be back for you.

Cal looks around the room she's now in. Grey walls surround her and it scares her, like she's back in the skybox. But the thing that sticks out the most is the gold box she's standing on. That doesn't seem right to put in a room. Before she could think twice, a buzz came and then the floor dropped out from beneath her, making her plummet.

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