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Summary: Pansy and Luna accept their dare.

Ship: LunaLovegood/PansyParkinson

All credit goes to Herochick007 on Ao3


Pansy fought the urge to touch the things dangling from her earlobes. They were heavier than she thought they'd be, pulled slightly every time she moved. She wondered how Luna dealt with wearing them all the time.

She dared a glance over at Luna. Luna stood there in Pansy's power suit, altered to fit her, but she could see Luna fighting the urge to pull at the hem of the sleeves, could see in her stance that she did not care at all for the trousers.

"You know, we could switch back?" Pansy offered. Luna shook her head, giving her girlfriend a smile.

"But then we'd fail the dare, one day in each others clothing, besides, you look really cute in my tights," Luna pointed out, giving Pansy a soft kiss. "And if we chicken out, they'll never invite us to play truth or dare again, and I have a brilliant idea for daring Hermione to finally kiss Millicent."

"Both good points," Pansy agreed, wrapping an arm around Luna's shoulders and hugging her tightly. One day in these radishes Luna wore as earrings was a small price to pay for the idea of playing matchmaker for their friends.

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