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The next morning, Jihoon wasted no time. After breakfast, he dialed Soonyoung, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.

“Come over,” Jihoon ordered curtly. “And bring fresh clothes for me. We’re taking Seokmin to therapy today, whether he likes it or not.”

On the other end of the line, Soonyoung sighed but didn’t argue. Who was he to deny Jihoon when he got into this determined mode? “Alright,” he replied, resigned but ready to act. “Give me fifteen minutes.”

True to his word, Soonyoung showed up shortly afterward, carrying a neatly folded set of Jihoon’s clothes. He had also brought along their son, Dino, who looked freshly bathed, his hair still damp and sticking up in soft tufts.

“Breakfast is already in him,” Soonyoung announced proudly as Dino ran inside, chattering about some cartoon he had watched that morning. “So you can’t accuse me of slacking as a dad.”

Jihoon gave him a quick glance, noting the faint dark circles under Soonyoung’s eyes but also the unyielding energy he carried, as if fueled entirely by stubbornness and love. “Good,” Jihoon said, taking the clothes and setting them aside. “Now, Seokmin’s upstairs. I’ll get him down.”

"Wait up.. where's my morning kiss!" Soonyoung pulled him brieflt pecking his lips.

Jihoon shook his head smiling, rushing upwards to get Seokmin.

When Seokmin appeared at the bottom of the stairs, dragged down by Jihoon’s persistence, he looked at Soonyoung and Dino with mild confusion. His eyes lingered on the energetic child, who was now hopping around the living room, pretending to be a superhero.

“Hyung, what are you doing here?” Seokmin muttered, his voice rough from disuse.

“I’m here because Jihoon told me to be here,” Soonyoung replied, crossing his arms. “And because you’re going to therapy today.”

Seokmin groaned, running a hand through his unkempt hair. “I already told you, I don’t need therapy.”

“And I already told you,” Jihoon cut in sharply, “that you don’t get to decide that anymore. Look at yourself, Seokmin. You’re falling apart. You need help.”

Soonyoung softened his approach, stepping forward with a hint of hesitation. “Seokmin, Jihoon’s right. Therapy isn’t a punishment. It’s just... someone who can listen and help you figure things out. Don’t you want to feel better?”

Seokmin stared at him, his expression unreadable. His gaze shifted briefly to Dino, who was now perched on the armrest of the couch, his tiny legs swinging back and forth.

“Even Dino thinks you should go,” Soonyoung added with a teasing smile, ruffling his son’s hair.

Dino looked up, his face bright and curious. “Yes Minnie, therapy is fun! Appa says they give toys and candies to good boys!”

Despite himself, Seokmin let out a faint, almost involuntary chuckle. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for Soonyoung to press forward.

“See? Even Dino gets it. And trust me, Seokmin, if I can survive with Jihoon breathing down my neck, you can, too. It's just a therapy.”

Seokmin’s eyes flicked to Jihoon, who was standing with his arms crossed, watching the exchange like a stern school principal. “Fine,” Seokmin muttered finally, his shoulders slumping. “I’ll go. But just this once.”

“Progress,” Jihoon muttered under his breath, a rare flicker of relief crossing his face.

On the way to the therapist’s office, Soonyoung kept the atmosphere light, chatting about random topics and making Dino laugh with silly faces in the rearview mirror. Seokmin sat silently in the passenger seat, his hands fidgeting in his lap.

When they arrived, Soonyoung turned to Seokmin with a gentle but firm look. “You don’t have to say anything you’re not ready to say,” he told him. “But you do have to try. Deal?”

Seokmin hesitated, then gave a reluctant nod. “Deal.”

As Seokmin walked into the building, guided by a receptionist, Soonyoung stayed behind with Dino in the waiting area. He watched his brother-in-law disappear into the therapist’s office and silently hoped that this would be the start of something better—not just for Seokmin, but for everyone who still cared about him.

Soonyoung glanced down at Dino, who was busy doodling on a piece of paper the receptionist had given him.

“Think Minnie gonna be okay?” he asked the child softly.

Dino nodded confidently, his little hands clutching a crayon. “Yeah. He just needs time. Right, Appa?”

Soonyoung smiled faintly, ruffling Dino’s hair. “Yeah, kiddo. Time and a little help.”

"Mommas are always right.."

Soonyoung chuckled at the unrelated comment.

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