Grief [BFB#5]

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Our parting will be bereavement.

In the sunshine that we're starting to hate,

Karis remembers the memories of how fun he had with Inok, the sunlight smiled on them when they got punishment from Pak Yoo but after Inok's death. He loathed the sunshine that was always bright and radiated them all. It's like reminding him that Inok is gone to the sky and he is alone, with no one by his side.

No matter how tightly I cover my ears,

You think it's not your affair, chorusing cicadas.

Karis tried to stop anything to remind him of Inok but failed. Every time he went to the right side of his desk, he saw no one but himself. He couldn't breathe normally now. He walked through the school garden, He saw flowers of daffodil, and immediately reminded him of Inok. He stomped the flowers violently. He started crying, "Why did you leave me this early..." He mutters. Everyone saw what he did but didn't stop him

It's a good thing you died early.

Karis on the rooftop again, gently stroking the broken fence. His dull blue eyes looked at the sky, he despised the sunset sky that reminded him of that day. Everyone doesn't know he grieving for a dead boy, not a boy that moving to another place. 'That fine', he thinks. He doesn't care anymore. He can't even say goodbye to him. His body was warmer but his heart had gone cold. 

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 21, 2024 ⏰

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