Chapter 9

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Healing & Confrontations

*sensitive topics*

Kol was busy, tidying up the house with the TV on for background noise. The news channel was on. Kol was walking to the kitchen when something on the news caught his attention. It was a dad and his 2 teenage boys. They were being interviewed about a big scary wolf they saw in the woods.

Interview on TV Begins

“Last night was full of fun and excitement for parents and children going around trick-or-treating but for these 2 teens and their friends, it was a terrifying nightmare. They were out in the woods with their friends at a campsite when, they say, a wolf the size of a bear tried to attack them. We are here now with two of the teens that saw it.” the reporter said

“It’s true, we were with our friends hanging out in the woods when it came out of nowhere.” teen 1 said

“Yeah, yeah, we were hanging out by the fire when it jumped out from the bushes.” teen 2 added

“How were you able to get away and survive such an attack?” the reporter asked

“I’ll answer that question, um, these two knuckleheads thought it was a good idea to take my colt 1851 navy revolver to have some fun which was stupid on their behalf but in the end, they shot the wolf, injuring it. That is how they got away and survived.” the dad answered

“Because of this revelation, the police ask that you remain out of the woods until there is proof that the wolf is dead and is deemed safe.” the reporter said

Interview on TV Ends

Kol began to panic and ran to the secret room in the basement only to find it empty. Even though Katherine wouldn’t return for a while until Sunday, Katherine would leave scratch marks to let Kol know she was fine and alive. When there were no fresh scratch marks, he grew more worried about his sister. Then he realized he couldn’t feel her in his mind, this worried him even more. He quickly grabbed the clothes, shoving them into a bag before grabbing a blanket and running off into the woods. He called Billy, telling him to look for Katherine on the reservation to see if she was there, explaining why he was worried. Billy said he would send Old Quil and Harry to go looking for Katherine and would let him know if they found her. Kol wanted to run around the woods as quickly as possible but there was a problem. Some policemen and hunters were in the woods looking for the wolf(Katherine), so Kol had to be quiet and careful when running through the woods. It didn’t help that the sun was also out. He was jumping from tree to tree, hiding behind rocks. 

He knew he was getting closer to the Canadian border and Katherine was still nowhere to be found. Kol was starting to lose hope. Kol started to head towards the river that led to the waterfall and decided to follow it, hoping he would find something and he did. Blood. It was on a boulder by the waterfall. He was close. He followed the trail of blood until he could smell it. Kol ran towards the smell of blood and stumbled upon an unconscious Katherine, behind a couple of rocks. 


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