Chapter 1

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Behind My Blue Eyes


Behind my blue eyes I have seen a vision of this a thousand score, Of this, I can tell you, and so much more. However, we have to go   To the time before. So take my hand Step into the sands, As I spin a tale                                        That just might be real.                 

Chapter One                                                                          

Night Interrupted

I could not sleep.  This was no major feat, in the lifetime of nights that I have spent awake.  I was lying in bed; the cotton covers nestled over my restless body.  I was about to get up and pace around the house like “a living ghost” as one of my siblings called me. The walking didn’t make me tired but it let my thoughts flow more.  Our house was still friendly even when in total darkness. When we were younger my parents kept a few hall lights on in-case we woke.

I heard a soft sound.  It was similar to the sound  of someone knocking on a wooden door, but not wanting to disturb the listener; soft yet still noticeable. I sat up and looked at my bedroom door.  Stories of disembodied beings came to my mind. But I knew better than that. It came again.  It was the unmistakable sound of knocking.  And it was coming from – I followed the sound’s location closely - the wall. I looked, expecting anything, towards the wall that faced the outside.  I got out of the bed and boldly walked to the window.  It was most likely the tree outside.  Nothing else could have made that sound at this ungodly first hour of the morning.  I unlocked the window and pushed it up.  Our moon light back yard was the same, so was the fence that bordered the lot, as well as...

          I noticed it then.  Lying in the windowsill, shining with soft beauty under the half-moon was a locket.  I paused and my breathing slowed.  It was just lying there looking so temptingly beautiful and harmless.  Someone left it there to be taken, that much I was sure of.  There was something about it that made my hands twitch with wanting to take it and coax open the clasp.  It held a secret and humanity in all of its glorious curiosity, and stupidity made me want to open it.  I saw another thing left on the windowsill in time.  A little piece of paper tucked carefully beneath the locket.  I leaned my head out of the window and looked around.  There was no one there.  Why this thing was abandoned outside of my window?  I would find out soon enough.

          I picked up the locket and then almost dropped it in alarm.  The thing was warm and what startled me even more was that there was a small thudding sound coming from inside.  It was regular and constant - like a heartbeat.  My own heartbeat picked up pace as I curled my fingers around the locket instead of dropping it.  Then I picked up the paper.  It did not feel like paper though.  It was smooth, silky, and very hard to unfold.

          Somehow, I had the feeling of something momentous happening.  It was like having an emotion too large to hold within, so it spread out like rain falling on the earth and wetting everything.  And everything it touched, changed.  A great sense of change.

The black writing on the paperish thing was pretty. The words themselves were like little butterflies caught in mid-flight. The message though was not very pretty.  This is what it said:

Priestess, the time has come for you go to your people.   We are in dire need of you and war seems to be on the horizon.  I have tried to keep the locket safe until you were ready but time is precious even to those that have forever to live.

I regret this but you must keep it safe until I come to take you home.  Wear the locket near   your heart where no one can see it and tread with the utmost care for to lose either or both of you would be the loss of all hope.


Priestess?  My people? War? And who the hell was L.K?

I shut the window and locked it then went back to bed with both locket and letter in hand.  I reread the letter then sat staring at the locket.  It was silver, oval shaped and had the strangest symbols carved delicately on the surface.  I turned it over and gapped at what was embossed on the back.  In tiny black letters was my name, Isabel.  It was either fate or a coincidence.  I undid the clasp on the silver chain and hesitated.  What if it was true?  What if everything in that letter, everything those pretty words said were true?  I did not know the answer but I was sure I would find out.   I put the necklace around my neck, settled back on the pillows, and fell asleep.

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