Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


No one was with me in temple. It was dark but I could see. The air felt thin in an odd way. As if everything had been thinned out. Nothing was solid. I looked up and saw nothing but blackness. In-front of me was the curved table. Everything had a slightly blue tint to it. I took a few steps to the table and touched one of the bowls. It was the one that was supposed to hold water, but it was empty. I opened my mouth to say something but no sound came out. There was a hallow silence in the air.

Where was I? This didn’t seem normal. This was terrifying.

Then there was white, and softness. My eyes fluttered open and my chest heaved. A dream, that was all. I laid there for a moment, staring up and the blank white sheet that had somehow been pulled above my head. In that moment I realised I had no idea what I was doing. Being the priestess might be my destiny but I didn’t know what I was doing.


In the real temple I stood before the table. The elements were still in the bowls and the temple game me that comforting sense of belonging it always did. I dipped the tip of my finger into the water and held it up to me face. There was something there. About the water. Something in the back of my mind.  As the light shone on the tiny droplet trickling down my finger I remembered. Water is the medium between worlds.

“Ivory, is there any water nearby? A small pond or something?”

Ivory nodded. “There is one near the temple. Would you like me to take you there?”

I bit down on the inside of my cheek. It was simply an idea but I was going about this on a gut feeling as well. “Yes, let your brother tell the others where I’ve gone if they come looking for me.” 

Ivory nodded once more then informed her twin. He looked at me with a questioning look but did nothing.

We walked around the back of the temple. There was a small clearing behind it as well and then the forest continued. Through the trees, fifteen meters from the clearing was a small pond. It was fed by a very small underground spring. There was a slab of smoothed flat rock at the edge. I kneeled there and looked into the water. It was clear and reflected the sky above. Something twinkled beneath the surface and caught my attention.  There were water nymphs in here. Ones just like what Michael had showed me in the pond when we were travelling to the palace.  

I sat in the sun, with my knees pulled up to my chest looking down at the tiny nymphs. I didn’t know why exactly I was going to do this. But I felt it was right. And it was what I needed to do.

I slipped off my shoes and put my feet into the water.  The pond was deeper than it looked. I was in the water up to my waist before my feet touched the floor of it. Drawing in a large breath I submerged myself. The water felt cool against my skin and my hair floated up around me. I took the locket into my hands and tried to open it. It didn’t open, I didn’t expect it too. The silver gleamed and started to glow. My vision was blurred out into whiteness.

When my senses returned to me I was no longer in the water. I was standing outside of it. I leaned over to look at the pool but it was empty. The grass was black and mist hung in the air. Everything was grey and dead. I was in the spirit realm. 

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