Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

Very important

I sat between my mother and father, with Michael across from us.  Nick and Alexis stood behind my mom; Jesse, Saraphina, and Rhiede stood next to them.  Michael had a serious expression on his face but he seemed oddly relaxed.  I really looked at him then.  He was wearing a long black trench coat over clothes in the same colour scheme.  No need to ask for a favourite colour I saw.  His hair looked in need of a pair of scissors but he was immaculately clean.  To me he looked tired and a little bored.  Maybe old age does that, I mean you’ve seen a lot and not a lot changes in terms of peoples’ natures.  Maybe he was just lonely. I blinked at the thought.

I was never empathic. Where did that sort of insight come from?  I normally made educated guesses at what people were feeling.  Good for me, I was normally right.”

“What is it you have to say about our daughter?”  My mom asked.  She was clasping my hands in her own softer ones.  She still looked twenty even though she’s about fifty.  Her hair was still the dirty blond colour I knew my entire life.  My hair on the other hand was the silvery colour of an air demon’s.  Her eyes were the only thing that could really show how old she was, their green grey hue carried a lot of knowledge behind them.

I saw Michael’s mouth twitch for a second then laid flat against his face.  “Your daughter is the priestess of Majailea.  She would not have been needed this early in age, if the country and its people did not need her.”

My mother and father exchanged a look.  Majailea (pronounced mah-HAIL-lea) was my grandfather’s kingdom.  “My father is the ruler of that kingdom...  I would know if something was amiss.”

“I have no doubt of this, but the fact still stands, and you can be sure I am not lying.”  He did not sound as if he were lying.  His deep toned voice was sure sounding.  If he was lying, he was much better than I was.  I don’t think that’s saying much considering the fact that I am as good a liar as fish breathing air.

“How do you know that Isabel is this priestess?”  My dad asked with one raised brow. 

“There a certain things about her appearance.  Like her eyes.  That blue colour is a sign of her power.  Then there’s the locket.”

“If you haven’t noticed I have blue eyes and so do some of my children.”  It was true that my dad has blue eyes but they are a dark blue, like the ocean.  My eyes were lighter than everyone else’s.   I stuck out in our family. Nick, Jesse and Rhiede all look like my mother - technically Nick looked like his father, Chase. Sara looks like my father.  I... well I sort of look like my aunt Serenity.  She had silver hair and blue eyes like mine but she was half demon, half Seer.   At least my hair was curly like my mom’s.

“But the locket is a sure way of knowing.”  Michael insisted.  “You do have the locket?”  He turned his gaze to me.  Everyone was looking at me, expecting something.

“Well...Yeah but the thing freaks me out.  It’s in my room.”

Michael did not look pleased.  “You should be wearing it.”

“What’s so important about it anyway?”  I had to know because the thing was in the back of my mind constantly since I held it and felt the warmth of it.

He straightened and closed his eyes as if he was trying to remember.  When he opened his eyes, they held a certain hardness to them.  “That locket belonged to the priestess before you.  It contains something pure, and powerful.  The priestess’ duty is to protect it but you can also use it, though you are the only one that can use it. The locket recognised you didn’t it?”

“Isabel.”  My father prompted quietly. I was looking at the floor silently.

“Do you mean that freaky beating?  It scared me.  I thought that it was alive.”  My father and mother looked at each other before a slightly mournful look passed over their eyes.

“That is proof that you are the priestess.”  A ghost of a smile passed over his face before he spoke again. “Isabel, would you mind retrieving the locket?”

Um, sure.”

I got up and walked to my room for the thing.  I turned on the lights, then moved to the dresser were I left the locket in my jewellery box. The beating inside was frantic this time as if it was afraid of something. “What’s the matter with you?”  I murmured to it then mentally slapped myself on the forehead for speaking to a locket.  I got a little tingly sensation in the back of my head.  It passed though me getting stronger by the second until the message came to my senses loud and clear.


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