Meeting Everyone at Breakfast

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Steve loudly gasped when he spotted Heihachi entering the breakfast cafe.
"Why, is something wrong?" Nina asked, slightly concerned.
"Just look what's on your right," Steve said, lifting his cup to take a sip of coffee.
Nina turned to look and didn't see much besides the Mishima family cheerfully waving at them, then turned back to her son. "I don't see anything strange."
"You're looking at the wrong thing, my dear," Harper snorted. "Look closely at Heihachi."
Everyone else did, and immediately noticed the lack of Heihachi's facial hair.
"Ooooooh!" Everyone with the exception of Steve and Harper exclaimed in unison.
"You guys, keep it down," Steve quickly said, grinning.
The other gang came in just then, oblivious to whatever that was happening. Shasha made a beeline straight for them, Asuka, Lars, and Alisa went straight to the Mishimas' table, while Lee and Anna were contemplating on where they should sit.
"I think I'll sit with Kazuya," Lee said. "What do you think?"
Anna shrugged. "Sure, Tori and I wanna sit with Nina."
Lee nodded and gave her a kiss before parting with her. Anna made a beeline with her baby and sat herself down beside Shasha.
"Have you guys heard the news?" Adam smirked.
"What news ah?" Shasha asked, taking her sling bag off her shoulder.
Before he could say anything, there was uproar from the Mishima table since Lee and Lars had seen Heihachi's new look.
"Oh no, what have you done?!" Lee exclaimed.
"That news," Nina smirked, pointing at the table just then.
"Why did you think you needed a shave?" Lars added.
Shasha gasped. "Shave?! I need to see that."
Steve shook his head. "Don't bother. It's not a pretty sight."
"I know," Shasha grinned. "But it would be a funny sight.
Anna snorted. "Do you really wanna go see what's going on there?"
Shasha frowned, then shook her head. "Don't want lah. I'm shy. I'll just see what he looks like later."
"Oh, it's bad," Jacob shook his head. "Real bad."
Harper nodded in agreement. "He's right, Heihachi shouldn't have done that."
Nina snorted. "That was a bold move, not gonna lie."
"I wonder what even drove him to do such a thing in the first place," Adam wondered. "Because knowing him, he's always had that moustache."
Steve nodded in agreement. "He adored that thing, he did."
"Maybe he just wanted to change his looks or something," Shasha added. "Because of his identity crisis and whatnot..."
"If that was the case, why didn't he just go to the nearest barber and get a haircut?" Anna argued. "Like that seems like a better option at this point."
Harper's face scrunched up in disgust. "Eugh, why would you suggest ways to make him look even worse? Isn't this bad enough?"
Anna quickly nodded. "Oh, yeah, you're right."
"Also, I think you need a high chair," Steve piped up. "Want me to get you one?"
"That's not necessary," Anna said, placing Tori down on the chair beside her. "I'll just make her sit here."
Steve immediately got up. "Nope, it's no trouble. I'll bring her a high chair."
"I'll come with," Shasha got up as well. "Also because I wanna grab some food."
The two of them made their way to get a chair for Tori before the two women went over to the buffet.
Anna suddenly grabbed Shasha's arm. "Yo, I saw what he looked like and oh my gosh..."
"Where?" Shasha whispered. "I need to see too."
Anna turned to look and noticed how Heihachi was coming over to the buffet table. "Oh! He's coming, he's coming!"
"Coming?" Shasha turned to look and quickly covered her mouth to keep herself from gasping aloud. "No! Why he went and shave?"
"We have to ask the Mishimas about this later," Anna snorted.
"Shouldn't we ask him about this first?" Shasha suggested. "Like, there can be a number of reasons. Wanna try a new look, shaving accident, bet, dare, all sorts of things." She turned to see him approaching and chuckled. "You know what? I'ma ask."
Anna couldn't stop herself from laughing when she went directly to Heihachi and asked him about it.
"Is there any reason?" Shasha asked, much to his surprise.
Heihachi had no idea what she was talking about. "Reason for what?"
Shasha smirked and pointed at his face before circling a finger around her mouth. "Your misai... what happened to it?"
"Why is everyone so interested in it?" Heihachi sighed.
"Well, yeah," Shasha chuckled. "You suddenly show up without it when all of us had been used to seeing you with it. Why suddenly? After so many years."
Heihachi shrugged. "Just to change my looks a bit."
Shasha nodded understandingly. "I see. Also, I'm gonna raid the buffet."
With that, she waved at him and rejoined Anna as quickly as she came up.
"Apparently, he wanted to change his looks," Shasha said. "Who knows why."
Anna shrugged. "Probably to distance himself from the real Heihachi or something."
Shasha slowly nodded. "That actually makes more sense."
The two of them went over to the buffet and took whatever they wanted before going back to their table.
"I saw you speaking to him, what did he say?" Hwoarang asked as soon as Shasha sat down.
Shasha shrugged. "He just wanted to change his look, apparently."
Hwoarang frowned, shaking his head. "That can't be it, there must be something else."
"I think he did it to distance himself from the real Heihachi or something," Nina added.
"My thoughts exactly," Anna nodded in agreement. "But why now, like all of a sudden?"
Adam lifted his soup bowl to scrape the last bits. "Who knows? Anyway, I wanna go for a second round."
"Me too," Nina got up. "I wanna get some more coffee."
"Nuts, I forgot coffee," Shasha groaned. She turned to Anna. "You wanna come as well?"
Anna nodded and got up. "Yeah, I'd like that. I forgot to get some too."

Asuka quietly sat down and decided to not make any comment before rushing over to the buffet table. Lars and Lee, on the other hand, were extremely shocked.
"Oh no, what have you done?!" Lee exclaimed in shock.
Heihachi still didn't see what the big deal was. "I... shaved? Nothing wrong with that, right?
"Why did you think you needed a shave?" Lars groaned.
"Why not?" Heihachi sighed. "Fine, I did it to change the way I looked since I overheard Kazuya saying that he didn't wanna say my name since I shared it with..." he left it there, but everyone understood.
"A maniac," Asuka decided that she should still finish it.
Kazuya sighed. "Well, you do look different, but you just look so weird. You shouldn't have if you didn't wanna."
"I tried to tell him," Jin said for the millionth time. "But nope."
"You're right, you did," Heihachi nodded. "Just wait a week or two, it will grow back on its own..."
Lee shook his head, amused. "I guess it's funny. Reminds me of the time the Old Fart came out with a clean shave that one time when we were in middle school." He nudged his older brother. "Kazuya, remember?"
Kazuya nodded, smirking slightly. "Yeah, I remember that. He was so mad since it happened because of a shaving accident and he wore a scowl until it finally grew back."
Heihachi frowned slightly. "Wait... I don't remember that. What happened? When?
"When we were in middle school," Lee chuckled. "We were like ten and eleven?"
"Yeah, Excellent and I were trying so hard to keep a straight face whenever he was around," Kazuya snorted, remembering the time like it was yesterday. "And then we would start laughing as soon as he would leave."
Lee nodded, smiling. "Yeah, that was one of the only times we joined forces. His annoyed face only made it more hilarious."
Heihachi smiled just the slightest, though no humour was shown. "That was the only time he made you guys laugh, and he didn't even remember it."
The brothers exchanged frowns when he said that, so forlornly too.
"Well, you're making them laugh now," Jun added.
Amber nodded, feeling like she should add something too. "Yeah. At least you're trying now. And sorry about yesterday."
"What happened yesterday?" Lars asked, still oblivious.
Jun sighed. "Our friend had a late-night endeavour last night."
"With Heihachi," Amber added. "Though nothing happened, but there was some misunderstanding since I was mistaken for a robber."
"It was dark and she was wearing a hoodie," Heihachi added and sighed. "I'm sorry I jumped you like that."
Amber shook her head. "It's fine. I shouldn't have stood outside at that time of the day."
Jun smiled and patted her back before turning to Kazuya, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You wanna get some food?"
Kazuya nodded. "Sure."

Misai means moustache in Malay and a few other Indian languages. I don't think Shasha needed to translate it to the rest since the Tekken gang can understand every language in existence.

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