Chapter Fourteen

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Laurel unlocked her door and walked into her apartment. Julie was still standing outside in the hallway when Laurel enter her apartment.
"You can come in now." Laurel told the redhead and Julie walks in. Once she's inside, Laurel closed the door behind Julie.
"Would like something to eat or maybe a beverage?" Laurel asked. Julie sits her bag on the ground before responding.
"I'm fine."
Laurel nodded, "would like to put your things away in the guest room?"
"That would be nice."
"Follow me."
Julie picked up her bag and followed Laurel to the guest room. When they came to it, Laurel open the door and Julie walked in.
It was nice room to be for aguest with a dresser drawer, a clock sat on top, but read the wrong time cause when Julie looked down at her watch to check the time, her watch read 9:00.
There also a closet, a mirror hung on the wall and there was a queen size bed.
"This is a lovely room for guest." Julie told Laurel.
"I'm glad you like it." Laurel reply.
"I'm gonna unpack now."
"Ok, call me if you need anything."
"I will."
Julie waited til Laurel was gone and heard the lawyer walk back towards the living room before shutting the door and locking it behind her. She unzips her bag and takes out some clothes and lays them on the bed. Then takes out some handguns that are holster. She removes the twin glocks from the holsters and ejects the clips. After seeing that both clips are fully loaded, she slides them back into the guns and cocks them before returning them into the holsters. There is also a switch blade and some ninja stars at the bottom with rubber tips on the points to keep from being pricked by them when she reached inside to pull them out. Once she took them out of the bag, she removed the tips and sit them off to the side.
She has other weapons back at her place, but she would have to wait till tomorrow when Laurel was at work to retrieve them.
Walking over to dresser drawer and Julie put the guns and the ninja stars in the top drawer. Then she exits the room and goes to find Laurel. After having no luck finding her in the living room or kitchen, she goes back to the guest room and walks towards Laurel's bedroom, but stops dead in her tracks when
she finds the door is open and the lawyer is stripping. She first removes her shirt. Then pants.
Julie's mouth almost drop to the floor when she saw that Laurel was wearing a thong, but she mentality slap herself to keep her composer.
Next, Laurel unhooks her bra and slips it off her shoulders and lets it fall to the floor to join the other clothes.
"Enjoying the view?" Laurel asked. Julie swallows hard and tries to keep from going bugeye.
"How long did you know I was behind you?" Julie asked.
"The whole time. I saw your reflection in the mirror while I was changing."
"Makes sense."
"That I saw you or that you were watching me undress?" Laurel asked. She teased Nyssa a lot too when she caught Nyssa taking a peep when she was disrobing, but she was going to stop because Julie wasn't like Nyssa.
So Laurel grabs a robe and slips it on before turning around to face Julie.
"Did you need something?" Laurel asked.
"Do you have any extra hangers I can borrow?" Julie asked.
"Let me check."
Laurel walks over to her closet and opens the door. Then looks around in the closet, but couldn't find any hangers.
"Sorry, but I don't have any spare hangers."
"That's Ok, I'll get some tomorrow."
"If you want, you can go out and buy some." Laurel suggested.
"That sounds like a good idea." Julie reply.

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