Chapter Seventeen

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Julie is standing by the window in her loft when Nyssa walks in with her bow drawn back, ready to shoot the redhead if she made any false moves.
"Hello Nyssa. It's good to see you again." Julie said without turning around.
"I saw you with Black Canary tonight. What did want with her?" Nyssa asked.
"Don't you mean what was I doing with Laurel Lance."
Nyssa was shocked that Julie knew that Laurel was the Canary, but kept it to herself as she replied, "I do not care whose behind the mask, I only care what you were doing with her."
"You should be worried about what's going to happen to Laurel and Sara while you're up here chatting with me."
Julie turned around and Nyssa fired the arrow at the redhead, but Julie caught it with ease.
"I've been practicing since last time." Julie jumps high in the air and nails Nyssa with a dropkick. The brunette falls hard, but is back on her feet quickly. Julie throws a punch that Nyssa blocks and comes back with an uppercut that knocks the redhead on her ass.
"I forgot you hit hard." Julie stated as she rubbed her jaw from where Nyssa's fist connected.
"Apparently there are a lot of things that you don't remember about me, but I will bring them all to life unless you tell me what you're planning on do to the Lance sisters." Nyssa reply.
"I rather die than submit to you."
"Oh, you're gonna die, but you're gonna talk first."
Nyssa threw the next punch, but blow just staggered Julie before she came back with a punch of her own that leveled Nyssa. Then Julie jumps onto Nyssa's back while the assassin is still on the ground and pulls out a fiberwire and wraps it around Nyssa's throat and starts to choke the life out of the assassin.
"It looks like I win this time." Julie gloated, but Nyssa wasn't going down without a fight. Seeing the arrow on the floor from earlier, Nyssa picks it up and drives the arrow through the redhead's boot, stabbing her in the foot with the arrowhead.
Julie screams out pain and that was all Nyssa needed to roll Julie off her. When Nyssa got back to her feet, Julie was lying on her stomach, Nyssa delivers a swift kick to the mouth that knocks Julie on back.
Nyssa pulls out her knife and jumps on top of Julie straddling the woman as she held the blade to the woman's throat.
"Go ahead and finish what you started." Julie told Nyssa.
"I need answers." Nyssa stated.
"You know better than anyone that I won't talk." Julie told Nyssa. Then that means she has no choice. She takes blade and runs the blade across the redhead's throat, slicing it open. Blood began to flow like a stream from the open vessel and Nyssa wipe the blade on her selve and return the knife to its sheath before standing up and walking away.

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