Chapter 8

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On Monday at school during lunch I went to the library just to see Brent. I noticed some girl was talking to him and it was Macy.

Oh no no no. I put on a calm, composed face and continued towards them.

"Hey Brent," I waved.

"Hi Hannah," he responded.

"Eww," Macy said walking off.

"What did she want?" I asked Brent.

"Nothing much. Just invited me to a party she is hosting."

" Oh, are you going?"

"I don't know, why?" he asked with a smirk.

"Oh nothing.. See you later," I didn't feel like talking about what Macy did to me this weekend.

"Hannah, do you want to hang out after school tomorrow?" Brent asked quickly.

"Yess!!" I was excited. "I mean sure." I didn't want to seem desperate.

I walked out the library and saw Macy kissing some guy I didn't know. Did she and Ben break up. I got out my phone and texted Ben.
Hannah: did u and Macy break up?
Ben: no. Y?

Interesting. I pressed on my camera app and snapped a quick photo of prove just in case I decided to be cruel later.
I didn't text Ben back because I didn't feel up to the task of destroying Macy yet.


In English I sat next to Kaley.

"Omg I found out Macy might be cheating on Ben," I told her.

"Oh wow. You should totally tell him," she did a devious smile.

"I know but how would Ben feel? I don't want to hurt him."

"Forget him. He is a jerk and it will be Macy that hurts him, not you."

"Yeah you're right."

This was the perfect opportunity to get back at Macy. Plus if she was cheating on Ben then he deserved to know.

I pulled out my phone and texted Ben.

Hannah: I saw her kissing some other dude in a corner.

And I sent him the photo I took.

"I did it." I was nervous that this plan could somehow backfire.

Later I was at my locker and someone grabbed my shoulder and slapped me hard on my cheek. It was Macy and she was furious.

"You always ruin my life!" She screamed.
I then slapped her harder and boy did it feel good.

"You think I ruin your life? Well you ruined mine more! You are always out to get me and what did I ever do to you?" I yelled. I was so angry. I do one thing to her and she violently attacks me. She has done so much to me and I have never laid a finger on her before now.

Everyone in the hall was staring at us trying to figure out what was going on. They probably saw it as the two top drama queens going at it.

"You did a lot to me you just don't remember!" Macy yelled tackling me.

That did it. We were in a full fight on the floor until teachers came to pull us apart.
After we both found ourself in the principal's office. Honestly I was scared I have never gotten in this much trouble at school. My parents would probably ground me for life.

"So since this is both of your first time in trouble I am just going to give you a two week detention after school."

  "Umm.. Will this be on my permanent record?" Macy asked.

  She looked as scared as I was.

"Not this time but make another mistake and it will," Mrs. Apple said.

"Oh thank goodness," I breathed.
After school I walked into detention. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I always imagined a bunch of lunatics that belonged in jail. But in here it was quiet. I spotted Macy and made sure to sit on the opposite side of the room.

A few minutes later some guy tapped me on the shoulder.

"What?!" I was tired of this day.

"Geez! Never seen you in here before. Aren't you one of those popular good girls?" he asked

I admit this guy was cute and I knew exactly who he was from rumors. Daniel Spark. He was trouble and the girls used to say never talk to him.

"No I'm not, so shut up and leave me alone," I said turning around hoping that he would take a hint and stop talking to me.

"Your loss I thought you were kinda cute," he whispered.

I turned to him. " I have a boyfriend," I lied since Brent and I weren't official.

  "Let me guess he is a goody two shoes too?"

"That's not a bad thing," I shrugged.

"But it is a boring thing," he responded.

"Charming" I replied sarcastically.

After detention I called my mom to come pick me up.

"Mom I need a ride home."

"Oh sweetie I'm in a meeting can you wait about an hour if no one else can take you?"

"An hour?!" I complained loudly.

"Sorry honey I got to go."

Then Daniel walked up to me. "You know I can give you a ride," he said swirling his keys around his fingers.

"A ride where? To jail?" I asked sarcastically.

"Haha so funny. Your loss" he said walking away.

I careful thought about this. I could either wait a whole hour for my mom to come or just take a risk with riding with a stranger. I am sure he isn't that bad, right?

"Fine," I yelled and followed him to his car.
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