Chapter 4

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"Yes, I would love to dance" I said nervously. I was feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. I had found someone to hang out and have fun with at this party. So far everything was going so perfectly.

"Good" he smiled a really beautiful smile and took my hand and we started to dance.

The dance floor was crowded with pumping music and neon flashing lights.

We were both being silly and were terrible dancers, but that just made it so must better because we were laughing at each other the whole time. He then did the sprinkler.

"Wow that was so good! You should join the talent show," I laughed.

"Oh please, with your dancing you should totally be on America's Got Talent," he laughed.

"Haha we are truly the worst dancers ever."

After we danced for a while, we got tired and  went to go sit down on a sofa. I then realized I didn't know this guy's name. I felt awkward knowing that I probably should of asked him this before we danced.

"Um.. So what is your name?" I asked him.

"It's Brent, I would ask for your name but I already know it" he chuckled.

"Oh.. Yeah.."

"You are well known around the school," Brent said with a smirk.

"Is that a bad thing?" I questioned.

"Nope," he smirked which made me smile in return.

Then suddenly I felt a tap on the shoulder and I turned around.

"Well if it isn't Miss Hannah the Peasant" my ex-best friend Katy said. Just when everything was going so well, of course she had to show up. I guess I should of known they would be here.

"What do you want now?" I said dramatically because I was tired of her crap.

"Don't get an attitude with her Han Han," Macy said as she walk up next to Katy. Ugh now Macy. Someone get me an umbrella because they were raining on my parade.

"Yeah loser. Respect your superiors," Katy rudely snarled.

Superiors? LOL.

Then Katy poured her red fruit punch all over my dress. I watched the red splash soak into my dress and felt the coldness of the drink on my skin.

"OMG! I can't believe you did that," I lightly pushed her away from me.

"Opps.." she said in the most fake voice ever.

"Just leave her alone," Brent said at my defense.

"Whatevefs," Macy said as she and Katy walked off.

"Yeah you better run, you cowards" I yell.

Macy paused, "We don't run, we strut." Then she continued to strut.

"Well they are jerks... I will go get you some napkins" Brent said running off.

"Ok thanks" I whimpered and then I started crying.

I promise those two are full of it. They just had to ruin my night and by this point I just wanted to go home, and to think that I use to considered Katy one of my best friends sickens me.

Brent came back with a bunch of napkins and he saw me crying.

"Oh gosh, are you okay?" he said worriedly as he helped me get some of the juice off my dress.

"Honestly no, those two are brats and Katy just poured juice all over one of the only dresses I have left. I also want to go home but my two friends are probably having a blast considering it is their first teen party" I rambled on and then Brent kissed me.

Yes, that's right, he actually kissed me and I kissed him back. His lips were so soft and the kiss felt like amazing!

"I know I just meet you, but I want you to know that I am here for you." Brent held my hand.

Hey I just met you, and this is crazy! But here's my number so call me maybe XD

Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!! Don't forget to comment and vote. Your support means a lot to me. ❤️

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