Chapter 5

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Picture of Brent ^^
"Thanks for the comfort," I smiled simply I couldn't help it. Brent was the sweetest guy that I have meet and I haven't even known him that long. He was definitely different from a bunch of guys at our school.

"So what's the plan?" He asked rising an eyebrow, which I thought was very cute.

"I'm going to find my two friends so that I can get home. I'm pretty sure they will understand once they see me," I pointed at my dress giggling. I felt like a soaked mess. Hopefully Sam and Kaley weren't going to be disappointed if I asked them to leave the party early with me.

I went to the dance floor with Brent following me and I finally saw Sam dancing with this guy. She was smiling and looked like she was having a good time. I was glad that I was able to get them an invite to the party. I walked over to them and tapped Sam on the shoulder.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked Sam.

"Umm... Sure, " she turned to the guy and mouthed 'sorry'.

We walked over to the wall till it was just Sam, Brent, and me. Sam then finally seemed to notice my dress.

"Woah! What happened to your dress?!" Sam asked in shock.

"Long story but are you okay leaving now because my dress is soaked and I feel uncomfortable. Also have you seen Kaley?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine with leaving and Kaley is in the kitchen talking to some guy," Sam answered. I was kind of surprised that both of them had found guys to hang out with and were so sociable. Over my years of hanging with the 'IT' group, people always told me that people like Kaley and Sam didn't like going to parties and we stereotyped them for being antisocial and awkward.

All three of us quickly went to the kitchen and I spotted Kaley. She was flirting with some guy. I went up to her and called her name "Kaley".

Then she turned around. " Yes Hannah?"

"Is it okay if we leave?" I asked her.

Then she looked at the stain on my dress. "Geez! Sure ! What happened to you?"

"I came across me ex-best friends, grr.., I so hate them right now," I explained briefly because I didn't feel like reliving the moment.

"Ok" then Kaley turned her head towards the guy she was talking to. "Sorry Chad, I got to go. See ya at school" Kaley waved.

Before we left I thanked Brent for helping me and he gave me a goodnight kiss.


The next morning as I got on the bus I saw Ben and didn't even bother sitting with him. His girlfriend was apart of what happened to me yesterday and I still didn't understand what he saw in Macy. About two minutes later I heard Ben call my name.


"What Ben?" I snapped, not in the mood today.

"Dannngg, I just wanted to apologize for Macy's behavior at the party."

Is he seriously. I kind of pitied him because he always had to apologize for his girlfriend's actions.

"Well then she can apologize to me not you!" I called back to him. I heard a bunch of oo's from other people on the bus. I was still kind of angry and I wasn't going to forgive Macy because someone apologize for her.

When I got off the bus I went straight to the library and saw Brent.

"Hey Brent!" I greeted as I walked up to him.

He saw me and smirked "Hey Hannah Banana"

"Really? I don't do all that lovey dovey couple name stuff" I glared half joking.

"Who said we were a couple?" he shot back at me.

I stared speechless, not knowing what to say.

"Gosh Hannah, I'm just messing with you" he winked.

I was pretty sure I was blushing right now. Technically we still weren't really a couple because we haven't been on a real date and he hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend.

"Aww... you look so cute when you blush," Brent teased.

"Shut up.. I gotta go to class," I said. "BYE BRENTIE POO," I yelled on my way out the door just to make sure to embarrass him.

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