Chapter 24

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                     *Final Chapter*

   After the date Daniel had dropped me off. I took a shower and starting thinking about him. The date was so fun and perfect. Lots of people disapproved of Daniel but I didn't care. He was really cute, interesting, and nice. Well, at least nice to me.

After my shower my phone started ringing, it was Kaley.

"Hey girl," I answered.

"Hey! You will not believe what happened!" She squealed.

"Haha what happened?" I asked.

"Ben asked me to homecoming!" She was excited.

"Omg! That's great!" I said pretending that I didn't know that would happen.

"Yeah I just didn't expect it," she said.

"See I told you someone would ask you. By the way, Daniel asked me," I said.

"Great! I knew you two would hit it off. Now we all have dates,"she said.

"Yeah. Well I will see ya tomorrow," I said.

"Okay bye."

And I hung up.

It was Friday, the day before the homecoming. I was by my locker and I saw Brent and Anna walk by laughing and interlocking hands.
Brent soon looked at me with a worried look of some kind and whispered something to Anna and then he started to walk towards me and Anna went in the other direction.

"So are you and Anna a thing now?" I glared. I didn't really feel jealous anymore but I was still angry at him for kissing Anna when we were together.

"Um.. Yeah.. But I just wanted to say that I am sorry about everything, especially the whole kiss thing," he said.

"Then why did you do it? You are such a nice guy Brent, or at least I think you are," I questioned.

"I don't know she kissed me and I guess I still had old feelings for her. Look, I just came to apologize. I'm not asking you to forgive me, but maybe you will soon and we can be friends," he said.

I just looked at him for a second. "I will forgive you eventually, but I am not ready to do it now," I closed my locker. "Bye Brent."

Honestly since he was my first boyfriend I never had to deal with boy drama and I thought that the conversation we had was very awkward. Like how did Brent have the nerve to come apologize to me when the girl he cheated on me with was just holding his hand a few minutes ago.

It was the end of the homecoming football game and our team won.

"Yes I'm so glad we won!" Kaley said.

"Yeah now we have to get ready for the dance," I said.

"Okay I will pick you up at eight," Daniel said.


When I got home I took a shower and after I put on my purple dress which I had never worn yet. I did my makeup and then curled my hair.

Ding dong

I heard the doorbell and I took one last look in the mirror. I honestly loved the way I looked tonight. I was really hoping to win that crown.

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