Chapter 22

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I was at lunch with Kaley and the girls. I haven't stepped one foot in the library ever since Brent and I broke up. I still see him around every once in a while but I just give him the evil eye and look away.

"Macy threw away my freaking posters," I complained to them.

"We could always make more," Samantha proposed.

"No, how about we make treats or something to give away," Kaley said.

"Oh my gosh! What a great idea! We can make cupcakes," I said. "Plus I don't think any of the other people running will do that."

"Yeah we can all meet up to make them tomorrow," Margaret said.
  I was sitting in math class when Ben started talking to me.

"So did you take down the posters or something?" He asked.

"No. Your ex-girlfriend took them down," I said a bit harshly.

"Oh... Well there are other ideas to promote yourself," he said.

"Yeah we are making cupcakes," I said.

"Oh great. I have the perfect cupcake recipe, it's a family recipe passed down and it's delicious," he said.

"Great! So you can help us," I smiled.

"Sure. I can," he said.

"Can I ask you a serious question Ben?" I ask him.

"Go head."

"How come you act so odd around me sometimes? Almost as if you don't like me."

Ben looks down.

"Hannah, I honestly am just an overall awkward person. Sorry if I come off as rude sometimes. I just find myself saying to wrong things sometimes, and not just with you, with everyone," Ben explained. I could somewhat relate to this.

"Oh okay. Well that is good to hear. Sometimes I thought you hated me or something," I say.

"Of course not," Ben smiled.

I was walking down the hall and I spotted Daniel and apparently he saw me too because he was walking towards me.

"So you plan on going the the homecoming dance right?" He asked out of nowhere.

"Well duh.. I'm running for queen. There can't be an inattentive crown," I said with confidence.

"Oh so you think you going to win?" His eyebrows rose.

"Yeah.. Maybe... No. I don't know." My confidence faded.

"Well do you want to go to the dance with me?" He asked with a smirk.

"No" his face dropped. "Ask me properly and then I will consider it." I said. Did he really think that he could just blandly ask me to homecoming like that. Homecoming at this school was a big deal.

"Properly?" He questioned.

"Yeah like with flowers, a poster, or something cute," I said and with that I walked off to class.
  It was the next day and we all meet up at Ben's house since he had the recipe.

Let's just say I didn't know Ben was such a perfectionist. He wouldn't let us do much because he was afraid we would mess it up.

   "I call decorating them," Kaley said.

"Are you good at decorating?" Ben ask skeptically.

"Why else would I ask to decorate them if I wasn't good, I work at a bakery," Kaley said.

"Okay, just asking," Ben said throwing his hands back.

After we were all done they looked great!

"Wow I'm impressed," I said.

"I feel like the decorations are a bit sloppy, but all is good," Ben said.

Kaley gave him the evil eye.

"Kidding. I'm just kidding" Ben said.

"I don't see how you used to like this guy" Kaley teased me.

"You used to like me?" Ben asked

"No," I blushed embarrassingly.

"Well I don't blame you, if I were you I would like me too," Ben smirked.

"Oh wow," I laughed at Ben's vanity.
"Vote for Hannah Rose for homecoming," Kaley said as we were handing out cupcakes.

"Yum. These are really good!" Daniel said.

"I know they are. Now go away," I said.

"Well then. You don't have my vote" he said grinning and walking away.

Then Macy came over a few minutes later. What did she want?

"Really? You made cupcakes? You must really have no life," Macy said.

"Are you jealous or something? Or did you come over to bother me?" I asked.

"None of the above," she batted her eyelashes and folded her arms.

Then Ben came over with a cupcake.
"Here, have a cupcake Macy," and then he smashed it into her face.

I just stood their shocked and so did she, except she looked angry also. I was waiting for her to freak out.

"OMG! What was that for?" She screeched rubbing the icing out of her eyes.

"Well let's see. Cheating on me, taking down the posters we put up, and being an over all terrible person," Ben listed.

"Ugh.. I will get you back for this," she said running off with her heels clacking like they always do. If only she would of tripped while running, it would of make the scene a lot more enjoyable.
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